This directory contains courseware for the lecture Operating Systems
at the Berufsakademie Stuttgart. It was based on 6th Edition Unix and
was taught by Wolfgang Helbig <>. He writes:

  My site at the ba-stuttgart was removed. It hosted courseware for my
  unix v6 lecture. This includes:
  Unix Programmer's Manual (aka man pages)
  Documents for use with the Unix Time-Sharing System
  prepared as postscript files.
  I provided the man pages as HTML-pages with the references replaced by
  The lecture notes contain tips for installing v6 on the simh emulator,
  a description of the pdp11 instruction set and hardware as well as
  a description of unix v6, including booting, kernel and user land software.
0 README 2017-02-22 00:58:08Z 743 B text/plain; charset=utf-8
1 index.html 2002-10-06 15:46:03Z 368 B text/html
2 pdp11/ 2019-07-10 10:26:33Z 5 B dir
3 script/ 2019-07-10 10:26:33Z 13 B dir
4 v6/ 2019-07-10 10:26:33Z 6 B dir