Search the PUPS Tape Archive

  The PDP Unix Preservation Society archive holds source code, documentation and full distributions of PDP Unixes. At the present time, you can search through the archive for filenames and directory names. Nothing in the archive can be made available to people without an appropriate Unix license.

The archive is organised into a collection of `tapes'. A description of each tape in the archive is also available. Each result line from a search is of the form

filename  size  date  archive_name  full_file_name

Enter an egrep search word here:

Ignore case in the search pattern.
Sort result by file name. Sort result by file's size.

Research Versions:
Currently we have 5th, 6th and 7th Editions.

2.x BSD:
2.9BSD and 2.11BSD.

ADFA Tapes:
Tapes from the Australian Defence Force Academy, including an AUSAM-patched 6th Edition.

Other Tapes:
Xinu for the PDP-11, Mini-UNIX.

Warren Toomey
Wed Feb 21 12:10:14 EST 1996