spew compilation problem.

JO.hn P.hillip C.rane jopsy at naucse.UUCP
Sun Aug 6 09:34:26 AEST 1989

   For some reason, when I unshared the 'spew' program found in alt.sources
the vertical bar characters were removed.  This was a slight problem on
two lines in spew.c.

#define VBAR ''

should be

#define VBAR '|'

and later on a file/decompression check a || needs to be inserted in a 
rather obvious spot.  (for those that know anything about C)

The other problem, lies in the 'headline' data file.  It seems the vertical
bars are missing from there as well, causing all sorts of ugliness when
the program tries to produce output. (I.E. bad pluralizations and suffixes,
if any).
  If someone received this program, with proper vertbarization, could they
please mail me the correct 'headline' file? 
                                         Thanx in advance!

-+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- 
 reply to: ....!arizona!naucse!jopsy                                         
 Dragon lover, Classical Pianist, Tetriholic, and Right Brained Programmer 

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