Time for 8 bit news, isn't it?????.

Greyham Stoney greyham at hades.ausonics.oz.au
Thu Jul 19 11:05:32 AEST 1990

Why don't all you people divert your energies into making your news system
handle 8 bit news rather than developing new and incompatible ways of
bitbashing your files into a format that both news and your unpacking program
(be it /bin/sh, sed, awk or whatever) can cope with?.

Considering the advantages, (especially to binaries groups), It's gotta be the
most worthwhile step to take. It may mean changes at lots of sites, but we
gotta start somewhere.

[ Insert prediction of immenent death-of-net here should net decide that
  status-quo is more important than advancing with the times :-) ]

/*  Greyham Stoney:                            Australia: (02) 428 6476
 *  greyham at hades.ausonics.oz.au - Ausonics Pty Ltd, Lane Cove, Sydney, Oz.
 *		Neurone Server: Brain Cell not Responding.

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