"remind" problems/deficiencies

Anil Gokhale avg at litwin.com
Fri Mar 8 01:24:36 AEST 1991

Recently there was a reminder program "remind" which I downleaded and
tried to install.  Following are some of difficulties/probles I encountered.
Does anyone have any solutions? ( I am not able mail directly to the
author due to problems with mail at out end. )

1) It appears that the only way to add new entries to the system is to go
edit the .reminders or some equivalent file.  Is there a fuction in remind
itself to add entries interactively ?

2) Running remind without the -q option DOES create a problem.  I tested
it with a single entry of type AT (i.e. timed reminder).  The reminder
itself worked. BUT about 3 hours letter, the system started complaining
about running out of queue on a couple of things (I forgot what. allocq?)

3) One of the other ways is to use the "mail" to deliver a reminder. 
That did not seem as good to me as delivering it directly on the screen.

4) Using the script included with the destribution (remind-all.sh) 
leads to mail being created at the time of running the script and 
delivering the reminder to mail. Nothing shows up on the screen or in mail
at the time specified in  AT argument.

Any clues what I am doing wrong?  I did read the manual (man page) but 
I am still lost. 

Anil Gokhale
Houston, Texas

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