MS-DOS PD lex and yacc

Kevin Owen kevino at hpccc.HP.COM
Tue Aug 15 02:54:20 AEST 1989

>We're looking for an ms-dos'able, public-domain version
>of lex and yacc...can anyone point us in the right direction?

I use FLEX (a lex replacement) and GNU BISON (a yacc replacement).  They both
seem to work fine under MS-DOS and are compatible with lex and yacc 

They can be found on your favorite BBS (I have seen them on several).


 _   ,                   __                 Kevin Owen @ Hewlett-Packard
' ) /                   / ')                Cupertino, California
 /-<   _ , __o  ____   /  / , , , _  ____   Phone :    (408) 447-0218
/   ) </_\/ <__/ / <  (__/ (_(_/_</_/ / <_  UN*X Mail  ...hplabs!hpccc!kevino

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