files from alphacm 3 of 4

Sanford 'Sandy' Zelkovitz sandy at turnkey.TCC.COM
Thu Feb 2 14:10:48 AEST 1989

Part 3 of the files from alphacm.

--------------------------------- cut here ------------------------------

xlistxen.tar.Z Xlist for Xenix286/386
. Xenix386 executable included
wns.tar.Z Windowing search
xlisp2.0.tar.Z Lisp for Unix/Xenix
. The compressed tar file contains the "C"
. source code and documentation.
xmdmFULL.tar.Z A "full" featured xmodem program
. which includes Xmodem/CRC & checksum
. and Ymodem
. (new version -- 3.6)
xrand.tar.Z Random number generator and applications
xtalk.tar.Z Split screen talk program for Unix/Xenix
. New version ( March 31, 1987 )
. Xenix executable in compressed archive file
yacc_t_d.tar.Z YACC time/date parser
yachksum.tar.Z Yet another checksum pgm
yadiff.tar.Z Yet Another diff
yellow.tar.Z Build a custom "yellow page"
. database.
ymod.c Ymodem for Unix/Xenix ( NON BATCH MODE )
ywho.tar.Z A better "rwho"
zap.arc Binary file editor for
. Unix, VMS, and MSDOS
zbc.tar.Z Postal ZIP CODE bar code
. decoder/encoder. Xenix exectable is
. enclosed in the compressed (16) tar file.
zmaczdis.tar.Z Z80 cross compiler and disassembler
. Xenix386 executables are also included
. in the compressed "tar" file
zoo15xnx.tar.Z ZOO archiver/compressor for Xenix
. "C" source code and xenix executable
+   #     #  #####        # ######   #####          ######  #######  #####
+   ##   ## #     #      #  #     # #     #         #     # #     # #     #
+   # # # # #           #   #     # #               #     # #     # #
+   #  #  #  #####     #    ######  #               #     # #     #  #####
+   #     #       #   #     #       #               #     # #     #       #
+   #     # #     #  #      #       #     #         #     # #     # #     #
+   #     #  #####  #       #        #####          ######  #######  #####
+                   ***********************************
+                   *                                 *
+                   *     ~  R E M E M B E R  ~       *
+                   *                                 *
+                   *  File names are CASE sensitive  *
+                   *                                 *
+                   ***********************************
+                   ************************************
+                   *       Available files for        *
+                   *           DOWNLOADING            *
+                   *  The size and date of the file   *
+                   *    is determined at LIST time    *
+                   ************************************
3dchess.arc 3 dimensional chess game
704k.arc extend dos an additional 64K
ada-tutr.arc Interactive ADA tutor
advc10_2.arc advanced "C" utilities Utility to change subdirectory attribute. Another amortization program
ansi.arc Listing of the ANSI codes
ansidraw.arc Create, read and write color screens in ASCII.
apr.arc Source print utility
arc520s.arc "C" source code for Sea's ARC
. Version 5.20
arce30a.arc Ver. 3.0a of Vernon Buerg's fast unarc'er
assemble.arc Another public domain assembler
atkey.arc Increase your AT keyboard rep rate
arith.arc Arithmetic compression routines
augusta_.arc programming lang with basic ada constructs
bastoc.arc Convert Basic code to "C" code
baswin22.arc Windows for QuickBasic with source code ver 2.2
batchinp.arc Allows input into a running batch file
boss6487.arc Turbo C - Boss Windowing System -- Very Good!
bsrc_120.arc "C" and assembly source code for
. BinkleyTerm
busperf.arc Measures BUS Performance relative to an IBM-XT(1.0
cd.arc The UNIX style cd for MSDOS
. Contains "C" source code
cdata.arc Relational Data Base in "C"
cdromx.txt Microsoft's announcement on their NEW support
. for CD ROMS.
c_tutor.arc "C" tutorial
ccc.arc C Pretty Printer & Wildcard Expander-MSDOS
cflowx.arc C program flow utility
cformat.arc format floppies in 1/3 the time it normally takes!
checkvol.arc check disk volume type
chmod.arc CHMOD for MSDOS
cipher.arc Cipher program for data
compr16.arc 16 bit compression for MSDOS!
confix.arc Change files & buffers in CONFIG.SYS w/"C" src
crypto1.c crypto program
cshar.arc Tools to create and unpack shell
. archives for *nix and msdos.
ctsr-clm.arc Terminate and stay Resident routines for
. Turbo-C and Quick-C
cutpaste.arc Cut and Paste from one app to another (like SK)
dasm31.arc deassembler utility
db_dump.arc This program reads the header and records
. within a dBase III file. The file contains the
. "C" source, .exe, and files.
dbms.arc "C" source code for a full
. DBMS system!
des.arc DES Encryption Program
do.arc Put multiple commands on the cmd line
dos2coco.arc MSDOS <-> COCO file utilites
. "C" and ASM source code
dos33use.arc Some useful pathes for PCDOS 3.3
dos-mg2a.arc DOS version of mg2a
dosmon.arc monitor DOS calls and display them (a TSR)
dpath.arc Like PATH, but works with data files and overlays
dry.arc dhrystone benchmark in C
dscope.arc Data Scope for PC with 2 serial ports from source
dspace.arc shows disk space graphically
dsz.arc Jan 02, 1989 version.
. <thanks Chuck!>
ebl.arc extended batch language utility
eemram.arc Break the DOS 640K limit
. with your EEM memory board.
ega.arc EGA Library for Turbo C. Source Compuserve
egafast.arc FAST EGA/VGA assembly & C
. source routines for MS C and 
. MS Fortran.
ellf.arc "C" src for an digital elliptical filter
em-sim.arc Run your extended memory as expanded
. memory when needed. Works with Lotus 1-2-3
exe2com.arc Exe2bin replacement with "C" source
extmove.arc Use EXTENDED MEMORY in your "C" code!
f83-tool.arc Tools for F83 -- editor, other stuff
fcon20i.arc Fancy Console, version 2.00I (Beta)
fft.arc Fast Fourier Transform program
fft-gen.arc General purpose fft routines
filesort.c a sort that allows sorting of ANY data
flop-360.arc PROPERLY format a 360K
. floppy in a 1.2 Megabyte drive.
flowchrt.arc MSDOS flowcharting program
forth-83.arc PD Forth
fprep.arc Fortran pre-processor source
. source code.
. displays amount of free memory on disk.
freekick.arc p/d sidekick like w/ pascal source
fsed.arc Full screen editor with "C" source
gif2epsn.arc GIF to Epson printer
grafix.arc CGA/EGA graphics library
. source code for MSC 4 and
. Turbo-C
gsetup20.arc PD AT setup program
hdtst313.arc AT hard disk testing programs -- version 3.13
headutil.arc Head/tail utilities for msdos
hercbios.arc FULL ASM & C source code for a
. Hercules to CGA emulator
hercdump.arc Dump Hercules graphics screens to printer
hgcib201.arc EXCELLENT Hercules to CGA emulator
himem.arc Use your EXTENDED MEMORY for DOS.
. Please note that this uses REAL memory
. that is located above the 1 megabyte area
. in your '286/'386 computer system. This
. method, known as XMS, is the Microsoft
. method of additional memory usage for DOS.
. Himem is copyrighted by Microsoft and
. was placed into the public domain by the
. same. The FULL source code, C-libraries,
. documentation, and test programs are
. included. Please note that this requires
. MS/PCDOS 3.00 or above.
. Now you KNOW what to do with all that
. additional memory that you have in your
. computer, which was needed to run Xenix/
. Unix, under MS/PCDOS!
hoc6.arc HOC language
ibmtech.arc IBM Tech Reference Manual
. on a disk
icon2.arc Icon language
ileave.arc Change your HD interleave on the fly!
. Full assembly and 'C' source code
. is included with the executable
. and docs.
int2e.arc "C" driver for the secret interrupt, 2e!
. Test case included in arc file
intrcptx.arc Run your 1.2meg drives at 720K std quad
. format on std dsdd floppies
. Requires DOS 3.2
iomon.arc monitor the disk io interrupt and display cmds.
jmodem.arc New J-Modem protocol with src
kegelunx.arc EXCELLENT Unix-Like routines with asm source
. and MUCH more!
kwcomp.arc Compress/expand shar format files to text w/c src
lanbat.arc DOS .BAT files for LAN server and clients.
laplace.arc "C" source and DOCS for a 2D Laplace xfrm
lbargen.arc T-Pascal program to generate bar menus in DBASE
learn_c.arc Excellent tutorial for "C"
lex.arc LEX for msdos with "C" source
. Lists files by type (written by Ward Christensen)
libex20b.arc DeSmet: Extract .O modules fm .S libraries & MORE!
list62a.arc MSDOS file display pgm w/ many optns Btr than more
lmouse.arc Mouse routines with source code
ls.arc Pretty good Unix-like ls for MS-DOS
lucifer.arc IBM's Encryption Program
mailsh13.arc Full uucp mail system for MS/PCDOS
. (Executables and DOCS)
make_lc.arc another MAKE program with lattice C source
mapmem.arc PC-Compatible, shows TSR and mem usage
mapper.arc CGA/EGA perspective map program
. for Turbo-C ( C source & Doc )
menubar1.arc Menu-maker with source code
mkdriver.arc Make DOS device drivers in C
. The .arc file contains all the required
. source files (ASM & C) to make your own
. device drivers.
mmake.arc Allow a UNIX Makefile to be
. used under DOS.
mmstr6.arc Menu System for IBM PC/XT/AT and Compatibles.
mnp.arc MNP protocal for DOS
msdostar.arc Read "TAR" files under MSDOS!
. The arc file contains the "C" source and .exe file
msmfns.arc simple popen/pclose set/getuid for MS-DOS
ndmake43.arc Unix make for DOS
net_0727.arc FULL TCP/IP source code
. telnet, ftp, arp, etc
+*********************** FULL TCP/IP for MSDOS ***************************
net_des.arc DES for TCP/IP
net_doc.arc Full documentation for TCP/IP
net_src.arc Source code for TCP/IP
. See net_0727.arc for more complete version
o88-v310.arc Optimizer for C-Ware/DeSmet C Compiler.
orange03.bbs BBS systems in Orange County Ca.
over4.arc Overlay programs from "C"
pbase.arc Programmable DB -- SQL
pccurses.arc Curses for ms/pcdos C-source
. (New version 1.3)
+***************** Complete UUCP package for MSDOS ***********************
pc_uucp.arc A COMPLETE uucp package for MSDOS!
. The arc file contains the "C" source
. code, the ASM source code, executables,
. and documentation. Since the executables
. are already within the package, you can
. have uucp up and running within minutes!
pipes.arc Unix pipes for MSDOS using Turbo-C
postscpt.arc PostScript interpreter
pm_at.arc Example of running a program in PROTECTED
. MODE on a 286/386 computer under MS/PCDOS
proff.arc a text formatter like nroff w/C src
ptoc.arc simple pascal to C translator w/src
pulldown.arc Pull down menu package for Turbo Pascal
qubecalc.arc 3D (X-Y-Z) SPREADSHEET
raid123.arc Windowed debugger for PC-DOS
readboot.arc Read boot sector w/"C" source
. DOS 4.0x compatible
ringbuf.arc Ring buffer support with "C" and ASM source
sdir51.arc Super Dir 5.1 - full-screen, copy, chg attrs
sed.arc Unix SED for MS/PCDOS
. This arc file contains the full "C" source
. and is a FULL implementation of the Unix
. program
sh.arc Unix like shell for MSDOS (C source)
signal.arc Unix style signal processing for
. Turbo "C"
simcga40.arc Simulate CGA color board with a Hercules
. Monographics or Clone board. (Works with BASICA)
. ( Updated version posted on Feb 23, 1988 )
smaltalk.arc "C" source code for SmallTalk
sr.arc Super Rename -- rename anything, even a directory
sst.arc Disk organizer - de-fragments files
t2c.arc The Glockenspiel Turbo-Pascal
. to Quick-C/MSC translator by
. Microsoft. Placed in the
. public domain by Microsoft.
tau2.arc Text Archiving Utility ( Source & DOCS )
tele.arc Multi-Tasking routines for "C"
. FULL "C" and ASM Source Code
tekterm.arc Tektronix 4014 emulator ( no gin mode )
tc-misc.arc miscellaneous Turbo-C related files
tc-patch.arc Official Borland patches for Turbo-C
tcomm.arc Communication Library for Turbo source compusr
tcwndows.arc FREEware windows for Turbo C, nice.
tdraw221.arc latest version of THEDRAW
telnet.arc FULL FTP and TELNET for MSDOS by
. National Center for Supercomputing
. University of Illinois
. (executables only)
. ( New version 2.2 )
termcap.arc Unix stype TERMCAP for MSDOS
threed.arc Three dimension graphics
. support for Turbo-Pascal.
. Source code included
timepark.arc Automatic parking of hard disk heads when
. the drive is not in use. ( Timed Parking )
timerbrk.arc Timer and control-break
. functions for Turbo-C
tjos.arc MULTI-TASKING routines for "C"
tp2c_17.arc Turbo-Pascal to C translator
. version 1.7 ( full source code )
trav.arc TC 2.0 source for a TRAV text filter
tsrsrc.arc Control over terminate & stay-resident programs
tv920.arc 920 emulation program with file xfr protocals
. The arc file contains the "C" source code
u16.arc 16-bit uncompress "C" and asm source code
+************************* uclone is a FULL uucp file/message ***************
+************************* system for MSDOS!   SEND & RECEIVE ***************
uclone.arc The FULL "C" source and assembly
. code for a FULL uucp system under
. MSDOS! The "C" source for for the
. MS "C" compiler.
utools.arc A complete set of Unix-like
. utilities for MSDOS. Even a version
. of cpio is included. The code was
. written by Dominick Samperi.
uuencode.arc The unix uuencode/uudecode for MS-DOS
uupc.tar NEW uucp for PCs
+      *************** uuslave - new version *******************
+              The following two files contain "C" source
+              and documentation for uuslave. The "C"
+              source has a compile switch for MS "C"
uuslave1.arc Run uucp under MSDOS ( Part 1 )
uuslave2.arc Run uucp under MSDOS ( Part 2 )
. Note: uuslave is receive only!
wind4cms.arc Windows for "C" - MS version
wind4tc.arc Windows for "C" - Turbo C version
winega.arc ENHANCED Windows ega drivers.
. Supports 24mhz mode
wordmgr.arc Excellent PD Word Processor
xlt86.arc Translate 8080 code to 8086/8088 code with source
xref.arc Xref for C in C
zap.arc Binary file editor for
. Unix, VMS, and MSDOS
+             #     #  #####  ####### #     # ####### #######
+             #     # #     # #       ##    # #          #
+             #     # #       #       # #   # #          #
+             #     #  #####  #####   #  #  # #####      #
+             #     #       # #       #   # # #          #
+             #     # #     # #       #    ## #          #
+              #####   #####  ####### #     # #######    #
+                   ***********************************
+                   *                                 *
+                   *     ~  R E M E M B E R  ~       *
+                   *                                 *
+                   *  File names are CASE sensitive  *
+                   *                                 *
+                   ***********************************
+                   ************************************
+                   *       Available files for        *
+                   *           DOWNLOADING            *
+                   *  The size and date of the file   *
+                   *    is determined at LIST time    *
+                   ************************************
+                            Files from USENET
. Xenix users: You will NEED compress16
. for the USENET source files. It can be
. found in the "unix" directory.
Xrn.tar.Z The new rn for usenet
. Modified for Xenix
. Usenet map for California
. Because of the size, 16 bit compression
. was used!
shar1.txt.Z USENarticle from net.sources - Shar 1 of 2
shar2.txt.Z USENET article from net.sources - Shar 2 of 2
sconwsrc.tar.Z NEW SCO Xenix port of the news
. This port REALLY works without errors.
8709x1-19.txz comp.srcs.misc 8709 #1-19 compressed tar
vn.tar.Z New release of vn
. (Feb 88)
. New version of the .cf compiler
news14.tar.Z News software upto patch level 14
. Mail users shell, version 6
. Internal files are in compressed
. "shar" format.
mush63.tar.Z Mush 6.3 update kit
dbz.c.Z NEWS replacement for dbm (faster)
vn.upg.tar.Z VN upgrade kit.
shrksort.tar.Z .newsrc shrinking/sorting pgrms
. NetNews utilities
. Program to build paths file
. directly from news///maps
+                      ###   #     # ####### #######
+                       #    ##    # #       #     #
+                       #    # #   # #       #     #
+                       #    #  #  # #####   #     #
+                       #    #   # # #       #     #
+                       #    #    ## #       #     #
+                      ###   #     # #       #######
+                   ***********************************
+                   *                                 *
+                   *     ~  R E M E M B E R  ~       *
+                   *                                 *
+                   *  File names are CASE sensitive  *
+                   *                                 *
+                   ***********************************
+                   ************************************
+                   *       Available files for        *
+                   *           DOWNLOADING            *
+                   *  The size and date of the file   *
+                   *    is determined at LIST time    *
+                   ************************************
. Please delete older advertisement..Thanks.
Intel_386.upg How to upgrade your AT to a 386 computer
cu.undoc Undocumented feature of cu
dos33use.arc Some useful pathes to PCDOS 3.3
drive.doc.Z A table of different hard disk params
ibm_bbs.arc List of all IBM BBSs in USA (2/87)
ibmtech.arc IBM Tech Reference Manual
. on a disk.
intleave.arc discussion of disk interleave factors
mport.bugs Microport's list of open bugs
. as of August 4, 1987
nixpub list of pub access Unix/Xenix systems
orange03.bbs BBS systems in Orange County Ca.
support.arc Support telephone numbers
telebit.setup How to set up the TrailBlazer
usbbs40.arc New list of US BBSs
uucpprot.arc uucp protocol description
vimacros.tar.Z Summary of vi and a tutorial
. on writing macros for vi.
x-pc.arc Description of X.PC protocol
xenix386.txt Microsoft's announcement on Xenix-386
ymodem.arc Latest revision of YMODEM protocol specification
+        ######  ####### ####### ######  ####### #     # ######    ###
+        #     # #     #    #    #     # #     # #     # #     #    #
+        #     # #     #    #    #     # #     # #     # #     #    #
+        ######  #     #    #    ######  #     # #     # ######     #
+        #       #     #    #    #       #     # #     # #   #      #
+        #       #     #    #    #       #     # #     # #    #     #
+        #       #######    #    #       #######  #####  #     #   ###
+                   ***********************************
+                   *                                 *
+                   *     ~  R E M E M B E R  ~       *
+                   *                                 *
+                   *  File names are CASE sensitive  *
+                   *                                 *
+                   ***********************************
+                   ************************************
+                   *       Available files for        *
+                   *           DOWNLOADING            *
+                   *  The size and date of the file   *
+                   *    is determined at LIST time    *
+                   ************************************
MagPie.tar.Z Steve Mane's magpie bbs for Xenix
ioccc.tar International Obfuscated "C" Code
. contest.
recipes.tar.Z A collection of recipes of all types.
+                     #     #  #####   #####     #
+                     ##   ## #     # #     #   # #
+                     # # # # #             #  #   #
+                     #  #  # #  ####  #####  #     #
+                     #     # #     # #       #######
+                     #     # #     # #       #     #
+                     #     #  #####  ####### #     #
+                   ***********************************
+                   *                                 *
+                   *     ~  R E M E M B E R  ~       *
+                   *                                 *
+                   *  File names are CASE sensitive  *
+                   *                                 *
+                   ***********************************
+                   ************************************
+                   *       Available files for        *
+                   *           DOWNLOADING            *
+                   *  The size and date of the file   *
+                   *    is determined at LIST time    *
+                   ************************************
+ MG2A is a GNU Emacs style editor. The distribution comes in 15 shar files.
+ Each shar file is 16 bit commpressed.
. File one of fifteen File two of fifteen File three of fifteen File four of fifteen File five of fifteen File six of fifteen File seven of fifteen File eight of fifteen File nine of fifteen File ten of fifteen File eleven of fifteen File twelve of fifteen File thirteen of fifteen File fourteen of fifteen File fifteen of fifteen
+                 #     # ######  #       ####### #######
+                 #     # #     # #       #     #    #
+                 #     # #     # #       #     #    #
+                 #     # ######  #       #     #    #
+                  #   #  #       #       #     #    #
+                   # #   #       #       #     #    #
+                    #    #       ####### #######    #
+                   ***********************************
+                   *                                 *
+                   *     ~  R E M E M B E R  ~       *
+                   *                                 *
+                   *  File names are CASE sensitive  *
+                   *                                 *
+                   ***********************************
+                   ************************************
+                   *       Available files for        *
+                   *           DOWNLOADING            *
+                   *  The size and date of the file   *
+                   *    is determined at LIST time    *
+                   ************************************
+  vplot is a device independent graphics system with device drivers.
+  The distribution comes in twenty-four (24) 16 bit compressed SHAR files.
. Part 1 of 24 Part 2 of 24 Part 3 of 24 Part 4 of 24 Part 5 of 24 Part 6 of 24 Part 7 of 24 Part 8 of 24 Part 9 of 24 Part 10 of 24 Part 11 of 24 Part 12 of 24 Part 13 of 24 Part 14 of 24 Part 15 of 24 Part 16 of 24 Part 17 of 24 Part 18 of 24 Part 19 of 24 Part 20 of 24 Part 21 of 24 Part 22 of 24 Part 23 of 24 Part 24 of 24
+                           End of Distribution
+                          #####  #     # #     #
+                         #     # ##    # #     #
+                         #       # #   # #     #
+                         #  #### #  #  # #     #
+                         #     # #   # # #     #
+                         #     # #    ## #     #
+                          #####  #     #  #####
+                   ***********************************
+                   *                                 *
+                   *     ~  R E M E M B E R  ~       *
+                   *                                 *
+                   *  File names are CASE sensitive  *
+                   *                                 *
+                   ***********************************
+                   ************************************
+                   *       Available files for        *
+                   *           DOWNLOADING            *
+                   *  The size and date of the file   *
+                   *    is determined at LIST time    *
+                   ************************************
+ This directory contains programs which are distributed by the GNU Project.
+             All the files to make Gnu-Emacs version 18.51 and 18.52
+ The file, em1851.tar.Z, was broken up into 350K pieces with a residue file.
+ They will all have to be combined into one file for proper uncompressing
+ and untarring. The command to do so is as follows:
+                    cat em1851.tar.Z* >> em1851.tar.Z
em1851.tar.Z-a Piece 1 of em1851.tar.Z
em1851.tar.Z-b Piece 2 of em1851.tar.Z
em1851.tar.Z-c Piece 3 of em1851.tar.Z
em1851.tar.Z-d Piece 4 of em1851.tar.Z
em1851.tar.Z-e Piece 5 of em1851.tar.Z
em1851.tar.Z-f Piece 6 of em1851.tar.Z
em1851.tar.Z-g Piece 7 of em1851.tar.Z
em1851.tar.Z-h Piece 8 of em1851.tar.Z
em1851.tar.Z-i Piece 9 of em1851.tar.Z
em1851.tar.Z-j Piece 10 of em1851.tar.Z
em1851.tar.Z-k Piece 11 of em1851.tar.Z
em1851.tar.Z-l Piece 12 of em1851.tar.Z
ediff18.51-52Z Upgrade version 18.51 to 18.52
+                        GNU Symbolic Debugger
gdb.tar.Z GNU sdb
+               GNU "C" Compiler    Versions 1.26 thru 1.32
+                     You will also need bison.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-aa Part 1 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-ab Part 2 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-ac Part 3 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-ad Part 4 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-ae Part 5 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-af Part 6 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-ag Part 7 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-ah Part 8 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-ai Part 9 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-aj Part 10 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-ak Part 11 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-al Part 12 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-am Part 13 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-an Part 14 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-ao Part 15 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-ap Part 16 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-aq Part 17 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-ar Part 18 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-as Part 19 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcc-1.26-at Part 20 of gcc-1.26.tar.Z
gcdiff1.26-27Z Upgrade version 1.26 to 1.27
gcdiff1.27-28Z Upgrade version 1.27 to 1.28
gcdiff1.28-29Z Upgrade version 1.28 to 1.29
gcdiff1.29-30Z Upgrade version 1.29 to 1.30
gcdiff1.30-31Z Upgrade version 1.30 to 1.31
gcdiff1.31-32Z Upgrade version 1.31 to 1.32
gcc386.tar.Z Uport/386 binaries
+                           GNU G++ Compiler
+                            (C++ Compiler)
+  **  Required **   MUST be compiled under version 1.27 or later of GNU-C
gplspls.aa Part 1 of gplspls.tar.Z
gplspls.ab Part 2 of gplspls.tar.Z Part 3 of gplspls.tar.Z Part 4 of gplspls.tar.Z
libgpls.aa Part 1 of libgpls.tar.Z
libgpls.ab Part 2 of libgpls.tar.Z
+                           GNU Assembler
gas.tar.Z GNU Assembler
+                             GNU YACC
bison.tar.Z GNU YACC
. (new version 11/88)
+                              GNU AWK
gawk.tar.Z GNU awk
+                              GNU LEX
flex.tar.Z GNU lex
+                             Assorted GNU Utilities
binutils.tar.Z Assorted utilities
+                             GNU chess program
gnuchess.tar.Z GNU chess
+                             GNU Termcap Library
gnutcap.tar.Z GNU termcap library functions
+                        #######         #     #
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+                   *  File names are CASE sensitive  *
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+                   *       Available files for        *
+                   *           DOWNLOADING            *
+                   *  The size and date of the file   *
+                   *    is determined at LIST time    *
+                   ************************************
+             All the files to make the FULL TeX distribution
+ Please note that the files: LTXf.tar.Z, amsf.tar.Z, bab.tar.Z, cmf.tar.Z,
+ mf84.tar.Z, and t82.tar.Z have been broken up into 350K pieces plus 
+ residual and MUST be combined for proper uncompressing.
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LTXf.tar.Z-c Piece 3 of LTXf.tar.Z (LaTeX fonts)
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LTXf.tar.Z-f Piece 6 of LTXf.tar.Z (LaTeX fonts)
LTXf.tar.Z-g Piece 7 of LTXf.tar.Z (LaTeX fonts)
LTXf.tar.Z-h Piece 8 of LTXf.tar.Z (LaTeX fonts)
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amsf.tar.Z-d Piece 4 of amsf.tar.Z (ams fonts)
amsf.tar.Z-e Piece 5 of amsf.tar.Z (ams fonts)
amsf.tar.Z-f Piece 6 of amsf.tar.Z (ams fonts)
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cmf.tar.Z-e Piece 5 of cmf.tar.Z (cm fonts)
cmf.tar.Z-f Piece 6 of cmf.tar.Z (cm fonts)
cmf.tar.Z-g Piece 7 of cmf.tar.Z (cm fonts)
cmf.tar.Z-h Piece 8 of cmf.tar.Z (cm fonts)
cmf.tar.Z-i Piece 9 of cmf.tar.Z (cm fonts)
cmf.tar.Z-j Piece 10 of cmf.tar.Z (cm fonts)
credits.tar.Z REQUIRED credits
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mf84.tar.Z-b Piece 2 of mf.tar.Z (MetaFont)
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misc.tar.Z Additional required files
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t82.tar.Z-v Piece 22 of t82.tar.Z (TeX82)
t82.tar.Z-w Piece 23 of t82.tar.Z (TeX82)
undump.tar.Z Undump
utf.tar.Z Utility fonts
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Sanford <sandy> Zelkovitz               XBBS   714-898-8634
UUCP: ....att!hermix!alphacm!sandy      ....trwrb!ucla-an!alphacm!sandy
      ....uunet!turnkey!alphacm!sandy   ....ucbvax!ucivax!icnvax!alphacm!sandy
DATA: 714-898-8634                      VOICE: 714-894-7898

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