news binaries for SCO XENIX (286 version) 2.2 ???

Ed Carp erc at
Wed Feb 1 06:25:40 AEST 1989

Does anyone have binaries (or hacked source) for news for XENIX?  I have a
friend that's trying to compile it, and he can't get it to compile.  He's
running SCO XENIX 2.2.2 (286 version) SYS V.

Thanks!  You can reply to me and I'll pass the message(s)/source/
binaries along.

----------------------------------- cut here -----------------------------------
           Ed Carp	 N7EKG/5 (28.3-28.5)	erc at unisec
           UniSecure Systems, Inc.;		OS/2, Just say No!
           Round Rock,  Tx; (home) (512) 834-2507
           UUCP:  erc at unisec
           Snail Mail:  2001A Pipersfield
                        Austin, Tx  78758

	Be ye therefore kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving
	one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

				-- Ephesians 4:32

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