Wanted: PD _doprnt source

Lloyd Zusman ljz at fx.com
Tue Jan 10 03:59:44 AEST 1989

I'm looking for the source to a version of _doprnt.  This source must
be in the public domain.  I need one that handles the full compliment
of numeric formats, including floating-point.  Does anyone out there
have one they could share with me?  Or perhaps a kind soul could steer
me to a source archive somewhere that has such a thing (uucp only,
please ... our site cannot FTP).

Thanks in advance.


  Lloyd Zusman, Master Byte Software, Los Gatos, California
		   "We take things well in hand."
  Net access courtesy of FX Development Group, Inc., Mountain View, California
  Internet:  ljz at fxgrp.fx.com		uucp:  ...!ames!fxgrp!ljz

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