Patch to simtel.update

raymond at raymond at
Mon Mar 5 08:09:59 AEST 1990

Keith Petersen's most recent posting of the updates to SIMTEL20
revealed a bug in simtel.update.  Yes, you guessed it, the file
format changed and simtel.update doesn't parse it right any

Here's the patch.

*** simtel.update.old	Sun Mar  4 14:00:00 1990
--- simtel.update	Sun Mar  4 13:59:46 1990
*** 41,45 ****
      $dirname = $_;
-     # If it's a genuine directory change, we'll have these headers.
-     next unless (<> eq " Filename   Type Length   Date    Description\n");
-     next unless (<> eq "==============================================\n");
      return 2 * do find_directory();
--- 41,42 ----
raymond at     Maintainer of the csip Frequently Asked Questions

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