shar 3.43 patch 3 (to make version 3.47 from 3.46)

Richard H. Gumpertz rhg at cpsolv.CPS.COM
Tue Sep 11 08:15:26 AEST 1990

Submitted-by: rhg at
Archive-name: shar3.43/patch03

I apologize for the frequent patches, but here are a few more minor fixes to
improve compilability of shar 3.4x on BSD systems:

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a11918	Mon Sep 10 17:07:53 1990
--- shar.c	Mon Sep 10 17:05:27 1990
*** 1,5 ****
! char *revision = "3.46";
! char RCS_ID[] = "$Header: /u/rhg/src/shar/shar.c,v 3.46 90/09/09 18:51:11 rhg Exp $";
  ** shar.c
--- 1,5 ----
! char *revision = "3.47";
! char RCS_ID[] = "$Header: /u/rhg/src/shar/shar.c,v 3.47 90/09/10 16:59:48 rhg Exp $";
  ** shar.c
*** 16,21 ****
--- 16,22 ----
+ /*:09-09-1990-20:12-rhg at CLOSEDIR_VOID */
  /*:09-09-1990-18:42-rhg at check for "From" under OptPREFIX */
  /*:09-09-1990-11:55-rhg at code under NOT STR(N)CMP_IS_FAST */
  /*:09-08-1990-21:20-rhg at NO_DIRENT for SunOS 3 sys/dir.h */
*** 602,608 ****
  DIR *opendir();
  DIRENTRY *readdir();
- int closedir();
--- 603,608 ----
*** 650,660 ****
--- 650,664 ----
  			file[filelen] = '\0';	/* in case we print any error messages */
+ 	closedir(dirp);
+ #else /* CLOSEDIR_VOID */
  		fprintf(stderr,"shar: unable to close directory %s",file);
+ #endif /* CLOSEDIR_VOID */
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a11921	Mon Sep 10 17:08:09 1990
--- shar.1	Mon Sep 10 17:03:38 1990
*** 14,20 ****
  \f2\-o\f1 option is given.  A wide range of features provide extensive
  flexibility in manufacturing shars and in specifying shar "smartness."
  Archives may be "vanilla" or comprehensive.
! This manual page reflects shar version 3.46.
  Options can be given in any order. Some options depend on each other:
--- 14,20 ----
  \f2\-o\f1 option is given.  A wide range of features provide extensive
  flexibility in manufacturing shars and in specifying shar "smartness."
  Archives may be "vanilla" or comprehensive.
! This manual page reflects shar version 3.47.
  Options can be given in any order. Some options depend on each other:
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a11924	Mon Sep 10 17:08:19 1990
--- unshar.c	Mon Sep 10 17:03:23 1990
*** 1,5 ****
! char *revision = "3.46";
! char RCS_ID[] = "$Header: /u/rhg/src/shar/unshar.c,v 3.46 90/09/09 19:19:10 rhg Exp $";
   * unshar.c: Unpackage one or more shell archive files
--- 1,5 ----
! char *revision = "3.47";
! char RCS_ID[] = "$Header: /u/rhg/src/shar/unshar.c,v 3.47 90/09/09 19:51:32 rhg Exp $";
   * unshar.c: Unpackage one or more shell archive files
*** 36,42 ****
   *		Created.
! /*:08-04-1990-15:54-rhg at listed above (-c/-C => -e/-E, new -c)
  /*!rivm!a3-dont assume vax is running BSD */
  /*:04-19-1990-15:20-wht at n4hgf-fix so -d doesnt make argv files unreachable */
  /*:04-19-1990-15:06-wht at n4hgf-colas@mirsa patches had expanded tabs */
--- 36,42 ----
   *		Created.
! /*:08-04-1990-15:54-rhg at listed above (-c/-C => -e/-E, new -c) */
  /*!rivm!a3-dont assume vax is running BSD */
  /*:04-19-1990-15:20-wht at n4hgf-fix so -d doesnt make argv files unreachable */
  /*:04-19-1990-15:06-wht at n4hgf-colas@mirsa patches had expanded tabs */
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a11927	Mon Sep 10 17:08:28 1990
--- who at where.c	Mon Sep 10 17:05:42 1990
*** 1,4 ****
! /* $Header: /u/rhg/src/shar/who at where.c,v 3.43 90/08/13 07:51:00 rhg Exp $ */
  	who at where.c - find out who i am & where i am
--- 1,4 ----
! /* $Header: /u/rhg/src/shar/who at where.c,v 3.47 90/09/09 19:53:44 rhg Exp $ */
  	who at where.c - find out who i am & where i am
*** 5,10 ****
--- 5,11 ----
  	...!gatech!kd4nc!n4hgf!wht (wht%n4hgf at
+ /*:09-09-1990-19:49-rhg at explicit return statement to who_where */
  /*:04-03-1990-19:55-wht at n4hgf-get rid of complicated who_am_i */
  /*:04-01-1990-13:30-pat at rwing-use utsname.nodename instead of sysname */
  /*:04-02-1990-12:12-wht at n4hgf-sigh... some pwd.h dont declare functions */
*** 97,103 ****
  		buf = ww;
! 	strcat(buf,where_am_i());
  }	/* end of who_where */
  /* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
--- 98,104 ----
  		buf = ww;
! 	return(strcat(buf,where_am_i()));
  }	/* end of who_where */
  /* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a11930	Mon Sep 10 17:08:36 1990
--- Makefile	Mon Sep 10 17:05:23 1990
*** 1,8 ****
  #  makefile for shar
! # $Header: /u/rhg/src/shar/Makefile,v 3.45 90/09/09 16:48:34 rhg Exp $
  #:09-09-1990-11:31-bill at SHELL variable/-ldir for XENIX/UNIX 386
  #:08-07-1990-21:25-rhg at man pages if MANEXT ends with .Z
  #:08-05-1990-23:50-rhg at post and compressed.
--- 1,9 ----
  #  makefile for shar
! # $Header: /u/rhg/src/shar/Makefile,v 3.47 90/09/10 16:59:43 rhg Exp $
+ #:09-09-1990-20:12-rhg at CLOSEDIR_VOID
  #:09-09-1990-11:31-bill at SHELL variable/-ldir for XENIX/UNIX 386
  #:08-07-1990-21:25-rhg at man pages if MANEXT ends with .Z
  #:08-05-1990-23:50-rhg at post and compressed.
*** 35,41 ****
  # (note by RHG at CPS.COM: I don't know which systems listed below are like that.)
  # Some systems, such as SCO XENIX/UNIX 386 use -ldir instead.
  # Some systems, such as SunOS 3, use <sys/dir.h> instead of <dirent.h>.  For
! # these systems, add -DNO_DIRENT to CFLAGS.
  # For VAX, PYRAMID, SEQUENT, AT&T 3B1/7300
  CFLAGS	= -O 
--- 36,44 ----
  # (note by RHG at CPS.COM: I don't know which systems listed below are like that.)
  # Some systems, such as SCO XENIX/UNIX 386 use -ldir instead.
  # Some systems, such as SunOS 3, use <sys/dir.h> instead of <dirent.h>.  For
! # these systems, add -DNO_DIRENT to CFLAGS.  Many of these same systems, such
! # as BSD, have a closedir that has no return value.  For these systems, add
  # For VAX, PYRAMID, SEQUENT, AT&T 3B1/7300
  CFLAGS	= -O 
*** 43,54 ****
  LIBS	= -ldirent
  # For SUN
! #CFLAGS	= -O 	# add -DNO_DIRENT for SunOS 3.
  #LIBS	=
  # For SCO XENIX/UNIX 386
! #CFLAGS	= -O 
  #LIBS	= -ldir
--- 46,57 ----
  LIBS	= -ldirent
  # For SUN
  #LIBS	=
  # For SCO XENIX/UNIX 386
  #LIBS	= -ldir
*** 63,69 ****
  #LIBS	= -ldirent
  # For other BSD-like systems
! #CFLAGS	= -O -DBSD42
  #LIBS	=
--- 66,72 ----
  #LIBS	= -ldirent
  # For other BSD-like systems
  #LIBS	=
  | Richard H. Gumpertz    rhg at CPS.COM    (913) 642-1777 or (816) 891-3561 |
  | Computer Problem Solving, 8905 Mohawk Lane, Leawood, Kansas 66206-1749 |

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