TASS 3.2 - also for small Coherent

Joachim Riedel joachim at jrix.radig.de
Sat Apr 20 23:05:39 AEST 1991


You shouldn't pass by TASS 3.2 - as :  "Just another newsreader...".
You should try it. It also fits for small unixes. It is easy to port to
Coherent (the $ 100 UNIX) and I think there will be a port to comp.os.minix.

Coherent Users: you should try porting. With a little C-Knowledge you 
need less than 1 hour to port it. Use fixstack 2000 tass
But I will post patches in some days to comp.os.coherent.

Thanks to Rich for his excellent work.


PS: Rich, I will mail you the results for Coherent (articles per group)
as soon as possible.

|    Joachim Riedel                     | @   @ |    Don't worry,   | @   @ |
|    Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 48      |  \_/  |    keep smiling   |  \_/  |
|    D-6050 Offenbach am Main           +-------+-------------------+-------+
|    Tel. +49 69 85 62 25               |       joachim at jrix.radig.de       |  

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