ANSI C to K&R converter written in Icon (source code provided)

Alan Grant Finlay alanf at
Sun Jan 13 18:03:38 AEST 1991

After wasting my time trying to fix up a converter to work for my
C sources I decided to write my own.  Icon seems to be the ideal language
for this job (provided you have a compiler/interpreter).  I originally
thought I would do the job properly (i.e. using a C grammar) but after some
reflection I was soon put off (C's grammar is truly awful).  The result is
yet another a converter that works for the author's programs.  However one
advantage of this converter is that the algorithm is quite easy to follow
and could be easily adapted by Icon programmers to handle a greater subset of

The program has the following limitations:
   1) function prototypes are recognised by the sequence ");" with no 
intervening spaces, newlines or comments.
   2) function prototypes may not contain comments within the parameter list.
   3) function definitions may have comments, spaces and newlines within the
parameter list however the output will win no awards for legibility.
   4) the presence of function parameters in a function definition will mess up
the conversion of that parameter list (usually just removes the parameters).
There is a workaround as demonstrated by the following example:
      #ifdef ANSI
      void addts(void (*ts)())
      void addts(ts)
         void (*ts)();
      <the function body>
      #ifdef ANSI
This workaround requires that the non ANSI compiler ignores text which is
excluded by "#ifdef"s. 

The algorithm is to divide the source text into a stream of substrings labelled
as either "considered"  or "ignored".  A pipeline is set up to process the
stream as follows:
   control lines ->      {all lines beginning with # are ignored}
   comments ->           {comments are ignored}
   brackets ->           {everything within curly brackets is ignored}
   declarations ->       {ignore all except function declarations (top level)}
   compress ->           {joins together consecutive segments of same label}
   prototypes ->         {prototype declarations have the parameters removed}
   compress ->           {joins together consecutive segments of same label} 
   parameter lists ->    {function definition parameters are converted to K&R}
   compress ->           {joins together consecutive segments of same label}

The workaround in (4) above can now be seen to depend upon the brackets step.

The source follows next:

---<cut here>----------------------//----------------------------------------
# Program to convert C programs with ansi style function prototypes to the
# equivalent K&R form.  Only top level declarations are converted.
# Written 7/1/91 by Alan Finlay, Computer Science, Monash University. 
record ignored(body)        # A program is processed as a sequence of 
record considered(body)     # ignored and considered parts.
global idset                # identifier characters
global nidset               # skip these to find next identifier
global spcset               # white space characters

procedure main()
   idset:= &lcase ++ &ucase ++ '0123456789_'
   nidset:= ~idset 
   spcset:= ' \n\t\r'
   every text:= compress(parms) do writes(text.body)

procedure parms() 
   # rearrange ansi style parameters to suit K&R syntax.
   par:= "false"   # not doing parameters now
   parlist:= []    # parameter list is empty
   currpar:= ""    # Current parameter is bare
   every x:= compress(protos) do
      if type(x)=="ignored" then suspend x
      else x.body ? while not pos(0) do
                       if par=="false" then 
                          if text:= tab(find("()"))||move(2) then 
                             suspend considered(text) 
                          else {
                             if text:= tab(find("("))||move(1) then par:= "true"
                             else text:= tab(0)
                             suspend considered(text)
                       else { 
                          if text:= tab(upto(',)')) then {
                             # check for (void)
                             void:= "false"
                             currpar ? if (tab(many(spcset))|0) & ="void" &
                                          (tab(many(spcset))|0) & pos(0) then
                                          void:= "true"
                             if void=="true" & *parlist=0 & 
                                &subject[&pos]==")" then {
                                currpar:= ""
                                par:= "false"
                             else {
                                # end of a parameter, extract the identifier
                                currpar ? {
                                   if any(nidset) then tab(i:= many(nidset))
                                   while tab(many(idset)) & (k:= i) &
                                      tab(i:= many(nidset)) 
                                # update parlist and output the identifier
###<should not be needed>       /i:= 1; /k:= 1  # for strange parameters only
                                if i=*currpar+1 then i:= k 
                                j:= (currpar ? many(spcset)) | 1
                                put(parlist,"   "||currpar[j:0]||";\n")
                                currpar||:= move(1)
                                suspend considered(currpar[i:0])
                                if &subject[&pos-1]==")" then {
                                   # can release the saved parameters
                                   suspend considered("\n")
                                   suspend considered(!parlist)
                                   parlist:= []
                                   par:= "false"
                          else {
                             text:= tab(0) # the parameter continues
                             currpar||:= text

procedure protos() 
   # remove parameter types from prototypes.
   # only recognises prototypes which end with ");" as prototypes.
   # only works for prototypes which are not interrupted by comments etc.
   # must be compressed afterwards for parms to work.
   every x:= compress(decs) do
      if type(x)=="ignored" then suspend x
      else x.body ? while not pos(0) do
                       if text:= tab(upto('('))||move(1) then {
                          if not tab(find(");")) then text||:= tab(0)
                          suspend considered(text)
                       else {
                          text:= tab(0)
                          suspend considered(text)

procedure compress(seq) 
   # joins together adjacent text.
   textc:= ""; texti:= ""
   every x:= seq() do
      if type(x)=="ignored" then { # save ignored and expel considered
         texti||:= x.body
         if *textc~=0 then suspend considered(textc)
         textc:= ""
      else {                      # save considered and expel ignored
         textc||:= x.body
         if *texti~=0 then suspend ignored(texti)
         texti:= ""
   if textc~=="" then return considered(textc)    # only one of these
   if texti~=="" then return ignored(texti)       # can apply.

procedure decs() 
   # remove top level data declarations.
   dec:= "false"   # not in a declaration now
   every x:= brackets() do
      if type(x)=="ignored" then suspend x
      else x.body ? while not pos(0) do
                       if dec=="false" then {
                          if text:= tab(find("typedef" | "auto" | "static" |
                             "extern" | "register" )) then dec:= "true"
                          else text:= tab(0)
                          suspend considered(text)
                       else { 
                          if text:= tab(find(";"))||move(1) then dec:= "false"
                          else text:= tab(0)
                          suspend ignored(text)

procedure brackets() 
   # remove any text between { and } after comments removed.
   bal:= 0   # start with balanced brackets
   every x:= comments() do 
      if type(x)=="ignored" then suspend x
      else x.body ? while not pos(0) do
                       if text:= tab(upto('{}')) then 
                          if &subject[&pos]=="{" then {
                             bal+:= 1; text||:= move(1)
                             if bal=1 then suspend considered(text)
                             else suspend ignored(text)
                          else {
                             bal-:= 1; move(1)
                             suspend ignored(text)
                             if bal=0 then suspend considered("}")
                             else suspend ignored("}") 
                       else {
                          text:= tab(0)
                          if bal=0 then suspend considered(text) 
                          else suspend ignored(text)

procedure comments() 
   # Read std input and remove comments.
   #  For now compiler control lines are removed here also.
   com:= "false"   # not in a comment now
   while line:= read()||"\n" do
      if line[1]=="#" then suspend ignored(line)
      else line ? while not pos(0) do 
                     if com=="false" then {
                        if text:= tab(find("/*")) then com:= "true"
                        else text:= tab(0)
                        suspend considered(text)
                     else { 
                        if text:= tab(find("*/"))||move(2) then com:= "false"
                        else text:= tab(0)
                        suspend ignored(text)

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