Building pd ksh on Suns -- patches

Brendan Kehoe brendan at
Sat Mar 9 05:20:59 AEST 1991

   These patches to the pd ksh posted some time ago will let you build
  it successfully under SunOS 4.1 and above. (I haven't tried 4.0.3,
  since I don't run it here anymore.)
   They also fix the problem of ksh hanging when you do ^D at the
  beginning of the line.
   Just cd to the directory containing the pd ksh sources and run this
  through patch -p -N.

-- cut --
*** ../oksh/ReadMe	Wed Jan 30 11:36:38 1991
--- ./ReadMe	Wed Jan 30 14:59:31 1991
*** 1,61 ****
  	Notes on the Standard C / POSIX P1003.1 package
! This package contains header files and library routines
! to provide a standard C (ANSI) and POSIX enviroment for portable programs.
! This allows most OS dependcies to be removed from an application,
! making it much more readable, and isolating them in a small,
! standardized library. It has the disadvantage that it only
! works with fairly stock UNIX versions, but a different approach
! will be used for other systems.
! This package supplements the existing libraries and header files
! of a AT&T-derived Unix system (System V and BSD in particular).
! It also provides function prototypes when the compiler supports them,
  improving compile-time error checking and improving portability on
! machines where sizeof(int) == sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(void*) does not hold.
! A different approach will be used for the DOS, Atari St, Minix,
! and possibly V7: a complete replacement standard C library will
! be provided as a separate package. This would not be practical
! with BSD or NFS systems because of the conflicts with the host
! stdio and the replacement stdio in libc's getpwent().
! stdc/*:		The standard C header files and library.
! posix/*:	The POSIX header files and library.
! h/*, h/sys/*:	Links to the header files in stdc/ and posix/.
! libstdc.a:	The standard C library.
! libposix.a:	The POSIX emulation library.
! To create the header files and libraries, perform the following
! three steps in the stdc and posix directories:
! 	One of _BSD, _SYSV, or _V7 should be defined in the Makefile.
! 	Do "rm stdc/stdio.h", it gets created by make.
! 	Do "make link" first to set up the links from *.h to ../h.
! 	Do "make" to create the library.
! Compile applications with -I$STD/h, link them with -L$STD ... -lstdc -lposix.
! 	Notes on the standard C package
! The files <locale.h>, <assert.h>, and <math.h> don't exist yet.
! Many standard C functions are not implemented yet.
! These include strtol, strtoul, atexit, tempfile(?), etc.
! The string routines are by Henry Spencer.
! Known portability problems include:
! size_t or ptrdiff_t in <stddef.h> may need to be long.
! The method of creating <stdio.h> from /usr/include/stdio.h and stdio.h_std
! may not work on some versions of UNIX.
! Almost definitely not on Xenix, maybe not on merged BSD-SysV systems.
! This package contains a correct version of setvbuf() which
! depends on the contents of FILE in the host stdio.h.
! This will not work if FILE is neither stock System V or BSD.
! You can safely "#if 0" out the body of setvbuf for PD ksh,
! setvbuf is used to decrease the size of buffers to speed up forks.
! 	Notes on the POSIX package
! Only headers and function required by the PD KornShell are implemented.
! I do not intend to develop this into a full POSIX emulation package.
! You should install Doug Gwyn's <dirent> package if you do not have
! <dirent.h> nor <sys/dir>. If you do have <dirent.h>, unlink h/dirent.h
! (this should be configured automatically by the makefile).
--- 1,88 ----
  	Notes on the Standard C / POSIX P1003.1 package
!   This package contains header files and library routines to provide a
! standard C (ANSI) and POSIX enviroment for portable programs.  This
! allows most OS dependcies to be removed from an application, making it
! much more readable, and isolating them in a small, standardized
! library. It has the disadvantage that it only works with fairly stock
! UNIX versions, but a different approach will be used for other
! systems.
!   This package supplements the existing libraries and header files
! of a AT&T-derived Unix system (System V and BSD in particular). It
! also provides function prototypes when the compiler supports them,
  improving compile-time error checking and improving portability on
! machines where sizeof(int) == sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(void*) does not
! hold.
!   A different approach will be used for the DOS, Atari St, Minix,
! and possibly V7: a complete replacement standard C library will be
! provided as a separate package. This would not be practical with BSD
! or NFS systems because of the conflicts with the host stdio and the
! replacement stdio in libc's getpwent().
! 	stdc/*:		The standard C header files and library.
! 	posix/*:	The POSIX header files and library.
! 	h/*, h/sys/*:	Links to the header files in stdc/ and posix/.
! 	libstdc.a:	The standard C library.
! 	libposix.a:	The POSIX emulation library.
! Building PD Ksh
! ---------------
!  First, create the header files and libraries:
! 	- define _BSD, _SYSV, or _V7 in stdc/Makefile and posix/Makefile
! 	- rm stdc/stdio.h
! 	- cd stdc; make
! 	- cd ../posix; make posix
!  Now, type:
! 	- cd ../src; make
!  The executable will be in src/ksh.
! 		   Notes on the standard C package
!   - The files <locale.h>, <assert.h>, and <math.h> don't exist yet.
!   - Many standard C functions are not implemented yet, including
! 	strtol	strtoul	atexit tempfile		et al.
!   - The string routines are by Henry Spencer.
! 		      Known Portability Problems
!   - size_t or ptrdiff_t in <stddef.h> may need to be long.
!   - some versions of Unix may scream when make stdc tries to create a
!     stdio.h from /usr/include/stdio.h and stdc/stdio.h_std .. if this
!     is the case (e.g. on Xenix and some BSD/SysV mixes), you can do it
!     by hand by simply doing: 
! 	cd stdc
! 	cp stdio.h_std stdio.h
! 	edit the new stdio.h and insert /usr/include/stdio.h between the lines
! 		/* system stdio.h goes here ... %%% */
! 	and
! 		/* ... end system stdio.h */
!   - FILE must be in the host stdio.h for setvbuf() to work; also it
!     has to be stock System V or BSD, or it'll fail
!   - You can safely "#if 0" out the body of setvbuf for PD ksh, setvbuf
!     is used to decrease the size of buffers to speed up forks.
!   - If the offsetof macro makes your build fail, define BAD_OFFSET in
!     the CFLAGS variable in src/Makefile, as such:
! 		CFLAGS= blahblahblah -DBAD_OFFSET
!   - Also previous versions would crash if you did a Ctrl-D (EOF) on
!     the line by itself (at least on Suns); this has been fixed (at
!     least on Suns :-)).
! 		      Notes on the POSIX package
!   - Only headers and function required by the PD KornShell are
!     implemented. I do not intend to develop this into a full POSIX
!     emulation package.
!   - You should install Doug Gwyn's <dirent> package if you do not have
!     <dirent.h> nor <sys/dir>. If you do have <dirent.h>, unlink
!     h/dirent.h (this should be configured automatically by the
!     makefile).
Common subdirectories: ../oksh/posix and ./posix
Common subdirectories: ../oksh/src and ./src
Common subdirectories: ../oksh/stdc and ./stdc
diff -rc ../oksh/posix/Makefile ./posix/Makefile
*** ../oksh/posix/Makefile	Wed Jan 30 11:36:38 1991
--- ./posix/Makefile	Wed Jan 30 14:43:48 1991
*** 4,14 ****
  # $Header: Makefile,v 1.1 88/03/29 18:28:38 egisin Locked $
! CC = gcc -ansi -O -W 
  LN = ln
  PRINT = lpr -p -Plp26_3018
! CFLAGS = -I../h -D_$(SYSTEM) 
  MISC =	Makefile 
  HDRS =	wait.h times.h unistd.h fcntl.h dirent.h 
--- 4,15 ----
  # $Header: Makefile,v 1.1 88/03/29 18:28:38 egisin Locked $
! #CC = gcc -ansi -O -W 
! CC = cc -O
  LN = ln
  PRINT = lpr -p -Plp26_3018
! CFLAGS = -I../h -D_$(SYSTEM) -I.
  MISC =	Makefile 
  HDRS =	wait.h times.h unistd.h fcntl.h dirent.h 
*** 34,39 ****
--- 35,41 ----
  $(LIB):	$(OBJS)
  	ar r $@ $?
+ 	@echo Don't worry if it says fcntl.o has no symbol table ...
  	-ranlib $@
  #$(LIB): lib.a($OBJS)
*** 57,59 ****
--- 59,63 ----
  times.o: times.h 
+ clean:
+ 	rm -f libposix.a *.o *~
diff -rc ../oksh/posix/io.h ./posix/io.h
*** ../oksh/posix/io.h	Wed Jan 30 11:36:39 1991
--- ./posix/io.h	Wed Jan 30 14:26:50 1991
*** 14,22 ****
  struct stat;			/* create global incompletely-typed structure */
  int chdir ARGS ((const char *path));
  int umask ARGS ((int mode));
! int open ARGS ((const char *path, int flags, ... /*mode*/));
  int creat ARGS ((const char *path, int mode));
  int pipe ARGS ((int pv[2]));
  int close ARGS ((int fd));
--- 14,26 ----
  struct stat;			/* create global incompletely-typed structure */
  int chdir ARGS ((const char *path));
+ #ifndef sun
  int umask ARGS ((int mode));
+ #endif /* sun */
! #ifndef sun
! int open ARGS ((const char *path, int flags, ... /* mode */));
! #endif
  int creat ARGS ((const char *path, int mode));
  int pipe ARGS ((int pv[2]));
  int close ARGS ((int fd));
diff -rc ../oksh/posix/wait.h ./posix/wait.h
*** ../oksh/posix/wait.h	Wed Jan 30 11:36:41 1991
--- ./posix/wait.h	Wed Jan 30 14:38:53 1991
*** 8,15 ****
  #define	ARGS(args)	()
! #if 1
! typedef int pid_t;		/* belong in sys/types.h */
  /* waitpid options */
--- 8,15 ----
  #define	ARGS(args)	()
! #ifndef sun
! typedef int pid_t;              /* belongs in sys/types.h */
  /* waitpid options */
diff -rc ../oksh/src/Makefile ./src/Makefile
*** ../oksh/src/Makefile	Wed Jan 30 11:36:24 1991
--- ./src/Makefile	Wed Jan 30 15:00:05 1991
*** 3,13 ****
  # $Header: /tmp/egisin/src/RCS/Makefile,v 3.2 88/11/06 11:34:12 egisin Exp $
  BIN = /u/egisin/bin
! STD = ../std
  PRINT = lpr -p -Plp26_3018
! # CC = cc
! CC = gcc 
  # Must define one of _V7, _SYSV, _BSD, _POSIX
  # may define any of JOBS (have BSD or POSIX job control),
--- 3,14 ----
  # $Header: /tmp/egisin/src/RCS/Makefile,v 3.2 88/11/06 11:34:12 egisin Exp $
  BIN = /u/egisin/bin
! STD = ../stdc
! POSIXD = ../posix
  PRINT = lpr -p -Plp26_3018
! CC = cc
! #CC = gcc 
  # Must define one of _V7, _SYSV, _BSD, _POSIX
  # may define any of JOBS (have BSD or POSIX job control),
*** 15,23 ****
! CFWARN = -ansi -O -W -Wcomment # -Wreturn-type
  LDLIBS = -lstdc -lposix			# compatability libraries
  HDRS =	sh.h table.h expand.h lex.h tree.h tty.h
--- 16,26 ----
! #CFWARN = -ansi -O -W -Wcomment # -Wreturn-type
! #CFWARN = -g -Bstatic -nostdinc -I/usr/include
  LDLIBS = -lstdc -lposix			# compatability libraries
  HDRS =	sh.h table.h expand.h lex.h tree.h tty.h
*** 59,61 ****
--- 62,66 ----
  tar:	ReadMe ksh.1 $(SRCS)
  	tar cf /tmp/egisin/ksh.tar ReadMe ksh.1 $(SRCS)
+ clean:
+ 	rm -f ksh *.o
diff -rc ../oksh/src/alloc.c ./src/alloc.c
*** ../oksh/src/alloc.c	Wed Jan 30 11:36:32 1991
--- ./src/alloc.c	Wed Jan 30 14:47:22 1991
*** 87,93 ****
  		/* wrapped around Block list, create new Block */
  		if (bp == ap->free) {
! 			bp = malloc(offsetof(Block, cell[ICELLS + cells]));
  			if (bp == NULL) {
  				aerror(ap, "cannot allocate");
  				return NULL;
--- 87,97 ----
  		/* wrapped around Block list, create new Block */
  		if (bp == ap->free) {
! #ifdef BAD_OFFSET
! 		        bp = (Block *) malloc((int)&((Block*)NULL)->cell[ICELLS + cells]);
! #else /* !BAD_OFFSET */
!  			bp = (Block *) malloc(offsetof(Block, cell[(ICELLS + cells)]));
! #endif /* BAD_OFFSET */
  			if (bp == NULL) {
  				aerror(ap, "cannot allocate");
  				return NULL;
diff -rc ../oksh/src/c_sh.c ./src/c_sh.c
*** ../oksh/src/c_sh.c	Wed Jan 30 11:36:36 1991
--- ./src/c_sh.c	Wed Jan 30 14:26:44 1991
*** 311,316 ****
--- 311,319 ----
  	register char *cp;
  	int old_fmonitor = flag[FMONITOR];
+ 	/*
+ 	 * if they only typed 'set', show them all of them
+ 	 */
  	if ((cp = *++wp) == NULL) {
  		static char * Const args [] = {"set", "-", NULL};
  		extern int c_typeset ARGS((char **args));
*** 441,446 ****
--- 444,453 ----
  	return rv;
+ #ifdef sun
+ #define CLK_TCK	100
+ #endif
  static char *
diff -rc ../oksh/src/exec.c ./src/exec.c
*** ../oksh/src/exec.c	Wed Jan 30 11:36:36 1991
--- ./src/exec.c	Wed Jan 30 11:55:06 1991
*** 48,54 ****
  	if (t->ioact != NULL || t->type == TPIPE) {
! 		e.savefd = alloc(sizeofN(short, NUFILE), ATEMP);
  		for (i = 0; i < NUFILE; i++)
  			e.savefd[i] = 0; /* not redirected */
--- 48,54 ----
  	if (t->ioact != NULL || t->type == TPIPE) {
! 		e.savefd = (short *) alloc(sizeofN(short, NUFILE), ATEMP);
  		for (i = 0; i < NUFILE; i++)
  			e.savefd[i] = 0; /* not redirected */
*** 220,226 ****
  		echo(vp, ap);
  	/* create new variable/function block */
! 	l = alloc(sizeof(struct block), ATEMP);
  	l->next = e.loc; e.loc = l;
--- 220,226 ----
  		echo(vp, ap);
  	/* create new variable/function block */
! 	l = (struct block *) alloc(sizeof(struct block), ATEMP);
  	l->next = e.loc; e.loc = l;
diff -rc ../oksh/src/expr.c ./src/expr.c
*** ../oksh/src/expr.c	Wed Jan 30 11:36:37 1991
--- ./src/expr.c	Wed Jan 30 11:55:45 1991
*** 235,241 ****
  	register struct tbl *vp;
! 	vp = alloc(sizeof(struct tbl), ATEMP);
  	lastarea = ATEMP;
  	vp->flag = ISSET|INTEGER;
  	vp->type = 0;
--- 235,241 ----
  	register struct tbl *vp;
! 	vp = (struct tbl *) alloc(sizeof(struct tbl), ATEMP);
  	lastarea = ATEMP;
  	vp->flag = ISSET|INTEGER;
  	vp->type = 0;
diff -rc ../oksh/src/io.c ./src/io.c
*** ../oksh/src/io.c	Wed Jan 30 11:36:33 1991
--- ./src/io.c	Wed Jan 30 14:26:41 1991
*** 9,15 ****
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <errno.h>
  #include <unistd.h>
! #include <fcntl.h>
  #include <signal.h>
  #include <setjmp.h>
  #if __STDC__
--- 9,16 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <errno.h>
  #include <unistd.h>
! /* #include <fcntl.h> */
! #include "../posix/fcntl.h"
  #include <signal.h>
  #include <setjmp.h>
  #if __STDC__
diff -rc ../oksh/src/jobs.c ./src/jobs.c
*** ../oksh/src/jobs.c	Wed Jan 30 11:36:36 1991
--- ./src/jobs.c	Wed Jan 30 14:26:40 1991
*** 27,33 ****
  #include <setjmp.h>
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <sys/times.h>
! #include <sys/wait.h>
  #if JOBS
  #if _BSD
  #include <sys/ioctl.h>
--- 27,34 ----
  #include <setjmp.h>
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <sys/times.h>
! /* #include <sys/wait.h> */
! #include "wait.h"
  #if JOBS
  #if _BSD
  #include <sys/ioctl.h>
*** 201,207 ****
  	for (j = procs; j != NULL; j = j->next)
  		if (j->state == JFREE)
  			goto Found;
! 	j = alloc(sizeof(Proc), APERM);
  	j->next = procs;
  	j->state = JFREE;
  	procs = j;
--- 202,208 ----
  	for (j = procs; j != NULL; j = j->next)
  		if (j->state == JFREE)
  			goto Found;
! 	j = (Proc *) alloc(sizeof(Proc), APERM);
  	j->next = procs;
  	j->state = JFREE;
  	procs = j;
diff -rc ../oksh/src/lex.c ./src/lex.c
*** ../oksh/src/lex.c	Wed Jan 30 11:36:34 1991
--- ./src/lex.c	Wed Jan 30 14:26:39 1991
*** 25,31 ****
  static	int	getsc_ ARGS((void));
  /* optimized getsc_() */
! #define	getsc()	((*source->str != 0) ? *source->str++ : getsc_())
  #define	ungetsc() (source->str--)
--- 25,36 ----
  static	int	getsc_ ARGS((void));
  /* optimized getsc_() */
! /*
!  * if it's == 128 (aka c&0x80 is true), then they put in ^D
!  */
! #define	getsc() \
!  	((*source->str == 0) ? getsc_() :\
! 	(*source->str & 0x80) ? '\0' : *source->str++)
  #define	ungetsc() (source->str--)
diff -rc ../oksh/src/main.c ./src/main.c
*** ../oksh/src/main.c	Wed Jan 30 11:36:31 1991
--- ./src/main.c	Wed Jan 30 14:26:38 1991
*** 11,17 ****
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <string.h>
  #include <unistd.h>
! #include <fcntl.h>
  #include <signal.h>
  #include <errno.h>
  #include <setjmp.h>
--- 11,18 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <string.h>
  #include <unistd.h>
! /* #include <fcntl.h> */
! #include "../posix/fcntl.h"
  #include <signal.h>
  #include <errno.h>
  #include <setjmp.h>
Only in ./src: memmove.c
diff -rc ../oksh/src/misc.c ./src/misc.c
*** ../oksh/src/misc.c	Wed Jan 30 11:36:32 1991
--- ./src/misc.c	Mon Dec 17 10:06:07 1990
*** 201,207 ****
  	Void **vp;
  	register Void **dvp, **svp;
! 	vp = alloc(sizeofN(Void*, n*2), ATEMP);
  	for (svp = xp->beg, dvp = vp; svp < xp->cur; )
  		*dvp++ = *svp++;
  	afree((Void*) xp->beg, ATEMP);
--- 201,207 ----
  	Void **vp;
  	register Void **dvp, **svp;
! 	vp = (Void **) alloc(sizeofN(Void*, n*2), ATEMP);
  	for (svp = xp->beg, dvp = vp; svp < xp->cur; )
  		*dvp++ = *svp++;
  	afree((Void*) xp->beg, ATEMP);
diff -rc ../oksh/src/syn.c ./src/syn.c
*** ../oksh/src/syn.c	Wed Jan 30 11:36:33 1991
--- ./src/syn.c	Wed Jan 30 14:26:37 1991
*** 81,86 ****
--- 81,87 ----
  	register int c;
  	t = pipeline(0);
  	if (t != NULL) {
  		while ((c = token(0)) == LOGAND || c == LOGOR) {
  			if ((p = pipeline(CONTIN)) == NULL)
diff -rc ../oksh/src/table.c ./src/table.c
*** ../oksh/src/table.c	Wed Jan 30 11:36:45 1991
--- ./src/table.c	Wed Jan 30 14:26:35 1991
*** 56,62 ****
  	register struct tbl **ntblp, **otblp = tp->tbls;
  	int osize = tp->size;
! 	ntblp = alloc(sizeofN(struct tbl *, nsize), tp->areap);
  	for (i = 0; i < nsize; i++)
  		ntblp[i] = NULL;
  	tp->size = nsize;
--- 56,62 ----
  	register struct tbl **ntblp, **otblp = tp->tbls;
  	int osize = tp->size;
! 	ntblp = (struct tbl **) alloc(sizeofN(struct tbl *, nsize), tp->areap);
  	for (i = 0; i < nsize; i++)
  		ntblp[i] = NULL;
  	tp->size = nsize;
*** 130,136 ****
  	/* create new tbl entry */
  	for (cp = n; *cp != '\0'; cp++)
! 	p = (struct tbl *) alloc(offsetof(struct tbl, name[(cp-n)+1]), tp->areap);
  	p->flag = 0;
  	p->type = 0;
  	for (cp = p->name; *n != '\0';)
--- 130,141 ----
  	/* create new tbl entry */
  	for (cp = n; *cp != '\0'; cp++)
! #ifdef BAD_OFFSET
! 	p = (struct tbl *) alloc(((size_t)&((struct tbl *)NULL)->name[(cp-n)+1]), tp->areap);
! #else /* !BAD_OFFSET */
!  	p = (struct tbl *) alloc(offsetof(struct tbl, name[((cp-n)+1)]), tp->areap);
! #endif /* BAD_OFFSET */
  	p->flag = 0;
  	p->type = 0;
  	for (cp = p->name; *n != '\0';)
diff -rc ../oksh/src/tree.c ./src/tree.c
*** ../oksh/src/tree.c	Wed Jan 30 11:36:35 1991
--- ./src/tree.c	Fri Dec 14 16:21:57 1990
*** 350,356 ****
  	Area *ap;
  	size_t len = wdscan(wp, EOS) - wp;
! 	return memcpy(alloc(len, ap), wp, len);
  /* return the position of prefix c in wp plus 1 */
--- 350,356 ----
  	Area *ap;
  	size_t len = wdscan(wp, EOS) - wp;
! 	return((char *)memcpy(alloc(len, ap), wp, len));
  /* return the position of prefix c in wp plus 1 */
diff -rc ../oksh/stdc/Makefile ./stdc/Makefile
*** ../oksh/stdc/Makefile	Wed Jan 30 11:36:42 1991
--- ./stdc/Makefile	Wed Jan 30 14:26:34 1991
*** 4,10 ****
  # $Header: Makefile,v 1.1 88/03/29 18:28:38 egisin Locked $
! CC = gcc -ansi -O -W 
  LN = ln
  PRINT = lpr -p -Plp26_3018
--- 4,11 ----
  # $Header: Makefile,v 1.1 88/03/29 18:28:38 egisin Locked $
! #CC = gcc -ansi -O -W 
! CC = cc -O
  LN = ln
  PRINT = lpr -p -Plp26_3018
*** 75,78 ****
--- 76,82 ----
  vprintf.o: stdarg.h stdio.h
  strstr.o: string.h 
+ clean:
+ 	rm -f libstdc.a *.o
diff -rc ../oksh/stdc/setvbuf.c ./stdc/setvbuf.c
*** ../oksh/stdc/setvbuf.c	Wed Jan 30 11:36:49 1991
--- ./stdc/setvbuf.c	Fri Dec 14 16:25:05 1990
*** 46,52 ****
  		return -1;
  	f->_flag |= type;
! 	f->_base = f->_ptr = buf;
  	f->_cnt = 0;
  #if _BSD
  	f->_bufsiz = size;
--- 46,52 ----
  		return -1;
  	f->_flag |= type;
! 	f->_base = f->_ptr = (unsigned char *) buf;
  	f->_cnt = 0;
  #if _BSD
  	f->_bufsiz = size;
diff -rc ../oksh/stdc/sprintf.c ./stdc/sprintf.c
*** ../oksh/stdc/sprintf.c	Wed Jan 30 11:36:48 1991
--- ./stdc/sprintf.c	Fri Dec 14 16:26:11 1990
*** 51,57 ****
  	static FILE siob;
  	siob._flag = _IOWRT;
! 	siob._base = siob._ptr = s;
  	siob._cnt = BUFSIZ;
  	siob._file = -1;
--- 51,57 ----
  	static FILE siob;
  	siob._flag = _IOWRT;
! 	siob._base = siob._ptr = (unsigned char *) s;
  	siob._cnt = BUFSIZ;
  	siob._file = -1;
diff -rc ../oksh/stdc/stddef.h ./stdc/stddef.h
*** ../oksh/stdc/stddef.h	Wed Jan 30 11:36:42 1991
--- ./stdc/stddef.h	Wed Jan 30 14:26:33 1991
*** 25,33 ****
--- 25,37 ----
  typedef unsigned size_t;		/* may need long */
+ #ifndef sun
  typedef int ptrdiff_t;
+ #endif
+ #ifndef BAD_OFFSET
  #define	offsetof(type,id) ((size_t)&((type*)NULL)->id)
+ #endif
  extern	int errno;		/* really belongs in <errno.h> */

-- cut --
     Brendan Kehoe - Widener Sun Network Manager - brendan at
  Widener University in Chester, PA                A Bloody Sun-Dec War Zone
     Brendan Kehoe - Widener Sun Network Manager - brendan at
  Widener University in Chester, PA                A Bloody Sun-Dec War Zone

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