Shadow Login Suite, release 3 patch 2

John F Haugh II jfh at
Thu May 30 23:17:31 AEST 1991

Here are a number of bugs that were found, mostly by Chip Rosenthal, in
the current release of my shadow password and login suite.  I am continuing
to get bug reports, and as soon as they taper off I'll send the final
result to Kent for posting in comp.sources.misc, so please beat this code

The changes are of two types.  The first type is to correct a number of
bugs in __STDC__ processing and whatnot, and the second makes the syslog
calls configurable.  It is now possible (in theory ...) to not have
syslog involved in the resultant code.  I did post a syslog thing some
time back, so you may want to look in the archives for a copy of that
code if you are determined to use syslog but didn't get one with your

Chip did find a few places where the code wouldn't work (or compile) if
neither DBM nor NDBM were defined.  I think those have all been caught.
I use GNU DBM here, and encourage you to do so as well.  The annoying
"mkpasswd" after the BSD "chfn" and "chsh" commands has been avoided,
so if you didn't like DBM files before, you might be able to tolerate
them now.  You can even use these two commands without using the rest
of the suite.

In the area of "future directions", I have purchased a set of SVR4
documentation and will start implementing commands from there.  It is
good to see that AT&T/USO/BZZT are coming out with utilities for
manipulating the password files ...
*** rel3/Makefile	Wed May 29 06:27:28 1991
--- Makefile	Tue May 28 09:10:19 1991
*** 1,5 ****
! # Copyright 1988,1989,1990, John F. Haugh II
  # All rights reserved.
  # Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
! # Copyright 1988,1989,1990,1991, John F. Haugh II
  # All rights reserved.
  # Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 8,16 ****
  # and conspicuously displayed on all copies of object code or
  # distribution media.
! #	@(#)Makefile	3.8	18:25:18  - Shadow password system
! #	@(#)Makefile	3.8	18:25:18	5/19/91
  SHELL = /bin/sh
--- 8,16 ----
  # and conspicuously displayed on all copies of object code or
  # distribution media.
! #	@(#)Makefile	3.9	09:06:23  - Shadow password system
! #	@(#)Makefile	3.9	09:06:23	5/28/91
  SHELL = /bin/sh
*** 355,373 ****
  entry.o: config.h shadow.h pwd.h
! shadow.o: shadow.h config.h
! shadowio.o: shadow.h
! grent.o: config.h shadow.h
! sgroupio.o: shadow.h
! dialup.o: dialup.h
! dialchk.o: dialup.h config.h
! pwdbm.o: config.h pwd.h
! pwpack.o: config.h pwd.h
! pwent.o: config.h pwd.h
! pwio.o: pwd.h
! getpass.o: config.h
! encrypt.o: config.h
! port.o: port.h
  valid.o: config.h pwd.h
--- 355,373 ----
  entry.o: config.h shadow.h pwd.h
! libshadow.a(shadow.o): shadow.h config.h
! libshadow.a(shadowio.o): shadow.h
! libshadow.a(grent.o): config.h shadow.h
! libshadow.a(sgroupio.o): shadow.h
! libshadow.a(dialup.o): dialup.h
! libshadow.a(dialchk.o): dialup.h config.h
! libshadow.a(pwdbm.o): config.h pwd.h
! libshadow.a(pwpack.o): config.h pwd.h
! libshadow.a(pwent.o): config.h pwd.h
! libshadow.a(pwio.o): pwd.h
! libshadow.a(getpass.o): config.h
! libshadow.a(encrypt.o): config.h
! libshadow.a(port.o): port.h
  valid.o: config.h pwd.h
*** rel3/passwd.c	Sat May 25 10:22:11 1991
--- passwd.c	Tue May 28 09:10:21 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 14,23 ****
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <fcntl.h>
  #include <signal.h>
- #include <syslog.h>
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)passwd.c	3.1	09:00:47	2/8/91";
--- 14,22 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <fcntl.h>
  #include <signal.h>
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)passwd.c	3.2	09:06:29	5/28/91";
*** 40,45 ****
--- 39,52 ----
  #include "lastlog.h"
  #include "shadow.h"
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ #include <syslog.h>
+ #ifndef	LOG_WARN
+ #endif
+ #endif
   * Password aging constants
*** 93,98 ****
--- 100,106 ----
  #define	NEWPASSMSG \
  "Enter the new password (minimum of 5 characters)\n\
  Please use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.\n"
+ #define	CHANGING	"Changing password for %s\n"
  #define NEWPASS		"New Password:"
  #define	NEWPASS2	"Re-enter new password:"
  #define	WRONGPWD	"Incorrect password for %s.\n"
*** 172,178 ****
--- 180,188 ----
  		if (strcmp (cipher, sp->sp_pwdp) != 0) {
  			sleep (1);
  			fprintf (stderr, WRONGPWD, sp->sp_namp);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  			syslog (LOG_WARN, WRONGPWD2, sp->sp_namp);
+ #endif
  			return -1;
  		strcpy (orig, clear);
*** 252,258 ****
--- 262,271 ----
  			strcmp (sp->sp_pwdp, "!") == 0 ||
  			sp->sp_min > sp->sp_max) {
  		fprintf (stderr, CANTCHANGE, sp->sp_namp);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_WARN, CANTCHANGE2, sp->sp_namp);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
*** 262,268 ****
--- 275,284 ----
  	if (sp->sp_min >= 0 && now < (sp->sp_lstchg + sp->sp_min)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, TOOSOON, sp->sp_namp);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_WARN, TOOSOON2, sp->sp_namp);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
*** 435,441 ****
--- 451,459 ----
  		Prog = argv[0];
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ #endif
  	 * Start with the flags which cause another command to be
*** 463,469 ****
--- 481,490 ----
  		sprintf (buf, EXECFAILED, Prog, argv[1]);
  		perror (buf);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_CRIT, EXECFAILED2, argv[1]);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
*** 546,556 ****
--- 567,582 ----
  	if (optind < argc) {
  		strncpy (name, argv[optind], sizeof name);
  		name[sizeof name - 1] = '\0';
+ 	} else if (amroot) {
+ 		strcpy (name, "root");
  	} else if (cp = getlogin ()) {
  		strncpy (name, cp, sizeof name);
  		name[sizeof name - 1] = '\0';
  	} else {
  		fprintf (stderr, WHOAREYOU, Prog);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
*** 561,575 ****
--- 587,613 ----
  	if (! (pw = getpwnam (name))) {
  		fprintf (stderr, UNKUSER, Prog, name);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  	if (! amroot && pw->pw_uid != getuid ()) {
  		fprintf (stderr, NOPERM, name);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_WARN, NOPERM2, name);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
+ 	 * Let the user know whose password is being changed.
+ 	 */
+ 	printf (CHANGING, name);
+ 	/*
  	 * The user name is valid, so let's get the shadow file
  	 * entry.
*** 591,596 ****
--- 629,637 ----
  	if (Sflg) {
  		print_status (sp);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (0);
*** 609,614 ****
--- 650,658 ----
  		if (new_password (pw, sp)) {
  			fprintf (stderr, UNCHANGED, name);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 			closelog ();
+ #endif
  			exit (1);
*** 646,652 ****
--- 690,699 ----
  	ulimit (2, 30000);
  	if (setuid (0)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, NOTROOT);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_ERR, NOTROOT2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  	signal (SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
*** 667,678 ****
--- 714,731 ----
  	if (i == 30) {
  		fprintf (stderr, SPWDBUSY);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_WARN, SPWDBUSY2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  	if (! spw_open (O_RDWR)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, OPNERROR);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_ERR, OPNERROR2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		(void) spw_unlock ();
  		exit (1);
*** 684,690 ****
--- 737,746 ----
  	if (! spw_update (sp)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, UPDERROR);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_ERR, UPDERROR2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		(void) spw_unlock ();
  		exit (1);
*** 691,697 ****
--- 747,756 ----
  #ifdef	NDBM
  	if (access ("/etc/shadow.pag", 0) == 0 && ! sp_dbm_update (sp)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, DBMERROR);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_ERR, DBMERROR2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		(void) spw_unlock ();
  		exit (1);
*** 704,718 ****
--- 763,786 ----
  	if (! spw_close ()) {
  		fprintf (stderr, CLSERROR);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_ERR, CLSERROR2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		(void) spw_unlock ();
  		exit (1);
  	if (! spw_unlock ()) {
  		fprintf (stderr, UNLKERROR);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_ERR, UNLKERROR2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  	syslog (LOG_INFO, CHGPASSWD, name);
+ 	closelog ();
+ #endif
  	exit (0);
*** rel3/config.h	Sat May 25 10:22:07 1991
--- config.h	Tue May 28 09:19:21 1991
*** 1,15 ****
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
!  * Use, duplication, and disclosure prohibited without
!  * the express written permission of the author.
   * Configuration file for login.
!  *	@(#)config.h	3.4	14:43:20	12/18/90
--- 1,18 ----
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
!  * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
!  * non-commercial purpose, provided this copyright notice is preserved
!  * in all copies of source code, or included in human readable form
!  * and conspicuously displayed on all copies of object code or
!  * distribution media.
   * Configuration file for login.
!  *	@(#)config.h	3.6	09:18:23	5/28/91
*** 248,253 ****
--- 251,265 ----
  #define	SPWLOCK "/etc/shadow.lock"
+  * Define USE_SYSLOG if you want to have SYSLOG functions included
+  * in your code.  Define SULOGONLY if you only want SULOG being used
+  * in the SU command.  Some people only want so much diagnostics.
+  */
+ #define	USE_SYSLOG
+ #undef	SULOGONLY
+ /*
   * Wierd stuff follows ...
   *	The following macros exist solely to override stuff ...
*** 264,269 ****
--- 276,282 ----
  #define	GETPWENT	/* Define if you want my GETPWENT(3) routines */
  #define	GETGRENT	/* Define if you want my GETGRENT(3) routines */
  #define	NEED_AL64	/* Define if library does not include a64l() */
+ #undef	NO_STRSTR	/* Define if library does not include strstr() */
   *	These macros control the contents of <pwd.h>.
*** rel3/grent.c	Sat May 25 10:22:53 1991
--- grent.c	Tue May 28 09:10:24 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 32,38 ****
  #endif	/* NDBM */
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)grent.c	3.7	08:03:08	12/20/90";
  #endif	/* !lint */
  #define	NFIELDS	4
--- 32,38 ----
  #endif	/* NDBM */
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)grent.c	3.8	09:06:40	5/28/91";
  #endif	/* !lint */
  #define	NFIELDS	4
*** 435,441 ****
  #endif	/* AUTOSHADOW */
! 	return 0;
--- 435,441 ----
  #endif	/* AUTOSHADOW */
! 	return grp;
*** rel3/smain.c	Sat May 25 10:22:21 1991
--- smain.c	Tue May 28 09:10:26 1991
*** 13,19 ****
  #include <stdio.h>
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "%W%	%U%	%G%";
--- 13,19 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)smain.c	3.5	09:06:44	5/28/91";
*** 34,45 ****
  #include <signal.h>
- #include <syslog.h>
  #include "config.h"
  #include "lastlog.h"
  #include "pwd.h"
  #include "shadow.h"
   * Password aging constants
--- 34,52 ----
  #include <signal.h>
  #include "config.h"
  #include "lastlog.h"
  #include "pwd.h"
  #include "shadow.h"
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ #include <syslog.h>
+ #ifndef	LOG_WARN
+ #endif	/* !LOG_WARN */
+ #endif	/* USE_SYSLOG */
   * Password aging constants
*** 66,76 ****
  #ifndef	PATH
! #define	PATH	":/bin:/usr/bin"
  #ifndef	SUPATH
! #define	SUPATH	":/bin:/usr/bin:/etc"
--- 73,83 ----
  #ifndef	PATH
! #define	PATH	"/bin:/usr/bin:"
  #ifndef	SUPATH
! #define	SUPATH	"/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:"
*** 114,119 ****
--- 121,127 ----
  extern	char	*ttyname ();
  extern	char	*getenv ();
  extern	char	*getpass ();
+ extern	char	*pw_encrypt();
  extern	struct	passwd	*getpwuid ();
  extern	struct	passwd	*getpwnam ();
  extern	struct	spwd	*getspnam ();
*** 147,153 ****
--- 155,163 ----
  		ioctl (0, TCGETA, &sgtty);
  	if (killed) {
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (killed);
*** 191,197 ****
--- 201,209 ----
  		Prog = argv[0];
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ #endif
  	 * Get the tty name.  Entries will be logged indicating that
*** 282,288 ****
--- 294,302 ----
  	if (pw = getpwuid (getuid ()))	/* need old user name */
  		(void) strcpy (oldname, pw->pw_name);
  	else {				/* user ID MUST exist */ 
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_CRIT, "Unknown UID: %d\n", getuid ());
+ #endif
  		goto failure;
  	amroot = getuid () == 0;	/* currently am super user */
*** 302,308 ****
--- 316,324 ----
  			pw->pw_passwd = spwd->sp_pwdp;
  	} else {
  		(void) fprintf (stderr, "Unknown id: %s\n", name);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  	pwent = *pw;
*** 337,344 ****
--- 353,362 ----
  	if (! amroot && pwent.pw_passwd[0]) {
  		if (! (cp = getpass ("Password:"))) {
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  			syslog (pwent.pw_uid ? LOG_WARN:LOG_CRIT,
  				"Unable to get password for %s\n", name);
+ #endif
  			goto failure;
  		} else
  			strncpy (pass, cp, sizeof pass);
*** 352,365 ****
--- 370,391 ----
  	if (! amroot && ((pass[0] != '\0' || pwent.pw_passwd[0] != '\0') &&
  			strcmp (pwent.pw_passwd,
  				pw_encrypt (pass, pwent.pw_passwd)) != 0)) {
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (pwent.pw_uid ? LOG_WARN:LOG_CRIT,
  			"Invalid password for %s\n", name);
+ #endif
  failure:	sulog (0);		/* log failed attempt */
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ #ifndef	SULOGONLY
  		syslog (pwent.pw_uid ? LOG_INFO:LOG_CRIT,
  			"- %s %s-%s\n", tty ? tty:"???",
  			oldname[0] ? oldname:"???", name[0] ? name:"???");
+ #endif
+ #endif
  		puts ("Sorry.");
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  	signal (SIGQUIT, oldsig);
*** 373,380 ****
--- 399,408 ----
  	if (! amroot) {
  		if (spwd) {
  			if (isexpired (&pwent, spwd)) {
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  				syslog (pwent.pw_uid ? LOG_WARN:LOG_CRIT,
  					"Expired account %s\n", name);
+ #endif
  				goto failure;
*** 381,388 ****
--- 409,418 ----
  #ifdef	ATT_AGE
  		else if (pwent.pw_age[0] &&
  				isexpired (&pwent, (struct spwd *) 0)) {
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  			syslog (pwent.pw_uid ? LOG_WARN:LOG_CRIT,
  				"Expired account %s\n", name);
+ #endif
  			goto failure;
  #endif	/* ATT_AGE */
*** 405,421 ****
  	sulog (1);			/* save SU information */
  	syslog (LOG_INFO, "+ %s %s-%s\n", tty ? tty:"???",
  		oldname[0] ? oldname:"???", name[0] ? name:"???");
  	if (fakelogin)
  		setup (&pwent);		/* set UID, GID, HOME, etc ... */
  	else {
  		if (setgid (pwent.pw_gid) || setuid (pwent.pw_uid))  {
  			perror ("Can't set ID");
  			syslog (LOG_CRIT, "Unable to set uid = %d, gid = %d\n",
  				pwent.pw_uid, pwent.pw_gid);
  			closelog ();
  			exit (1);
--- 435,456 ----
  	sulog (1);			/* save SU information */
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ #ifndef	SULOGONLY
  	syslog (LOG_INFO, "+ %s %s-%s\n", tty ? tty:"???",
  		oldname[0] ? oldname:"???", name[0] ? name:"???");
! #endif
! #endif
  	if (fakelogin)
  		setup (&pwent);		/* set UID, GID, HOME, etc ... */
  	else {
  		if (setgid (pwent.pw_gid) || setuid (pwent.pw_uid))  {
  			perror ("Can't set ID");
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  			syslog (LOG_CRIT, "Unable to set uid = %d, gid = %d\n",
  				pwent.pw_uid, pwent.pw_gid);
  			closelog ();
+ #endif
  			exit (1);
*** 425,432 ****
--- 460,469 ----
  		argv[-1] = pwent.pw_shell;
  		(void) execv (pwent.pw_shell, &argv[-1]);
  		(void) fprintf (stderr, "No shell\n");
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_WARN, "Cannot execute %s\n", pwent.pw_shell);
  		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  	if (fakelogin) {
*** 450,456 ****
--- 487,497 ----
  		shell (pwent.pw_shell, cp);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  	syslog (LOG_WARN, "Cannot execute %s\n", pwent.pw_shell);
+ 	closelog ();
+ #endif
+ 	exit (1);
*** rel3/pwconv.c	Sat May 25 10:22:22 1991
--- pwconv.c	Tue May 28 09:10:29 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 40,46 ****
  #include "shadow.h"
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	_sccsid[] = "@(#)pwconv.c	3.2	12:31:11	12/12/90";
  char	buf[BUFSIZ];
--- 40,46 ----
  #include "shadow.h"
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	_sccsid[] = "@(#)pwconv.c	3.3	09:06:53	5/28/91";
  char	buf[BUFSIZ];
*** 66,72 ****
  		exit (1);
  	unlink ("npasswd");
! 	if ((fd = open ("npasswd", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0600)) < 0 ||
  			! (npwd = fdopen (fd, "w"))) {
  		perror ("npasswd");
  		exit (1);
--- 66,72 ----
  		exit (1);
  	unlink ("npasswd");
! 	if ((fd = open ("npasswd", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0644)) < 0 ||
  			! (npwd = fdopen (fd, "w"))) {
  		perror ("npasswd");
  		exit (1);
*** rel3/dialup.h	Sat May 25 10:22:54 1991
--- dialup.h	Tue May 28 09:10:30 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 23,42 ****
   *	lines.  Each line consists of the last component of the path
   *	name.  The leading "/dev/" string is removed.
!  *	@(#)dialup.h	3.1	19:44:22	12/10/90
  #ifndef	_DIALUP_H
  #define	_DIALUP_H
- #include <stdio.h>
  struct	dialup {
  	char	*du_shell;
  	char	*du_passwd;
! #ifdef	__STDC__
  extern	void	setduent ();
  extern	void	endduent ();
  extern	struct	dialup	*fgetduent ();
--- 23,40 ----
   *	lines.  Each line consists of the last component of the path
   *	name.  The leading "/dev/" string is removed.
!  *	@(#)dialup.h	3.2	09:06:55	5/28/91
  #ifndef	_DIALUP_H
  #define	_DIALUP_H
  struct	dialup {
  	char	*du_shell;
  	char	*du_passwd;
! #if !__STDC__
  extern	void	setduent ();
  extern	void	endduent ();
  extern	struct	dialup	*fgetduent ();
*** rel3/chage.c	Sat May 25 10:22:28 1991
--- chage.c	Tue May 28 09:10:34 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 10,16 ****
  #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <syslog.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <fcntl.h>
  #include <signal.h>
--- 10,15 ----
*** 18,24 ****
  #include <time.h>
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "%W%	%U%	%G%";
--- 17,23 ----
  #include <time.h>
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)chage.c	3.6	09:06:57	5/28/91";
*** 40,45 ****
--- 39,52 ----
  #include "pwd.h"
  #include "shadow.h"
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ #include <syslog.h>
+ #ifndef	LOG_WARN
+ #endif	/* !LOG_WARN */
+ #endif	/* USE_SYSLOG */
   * Global variables
*** 115,120 ****
--- 122,144 ----
         [ -I inactive ] [ -E expire ] [ -d last_day ] user\n"
  #define	DBMERROR	"Error updating the DBM password entry.\n"
  #define	DBMERROR2	"error updating DBM shadow entry.\n"
+ #define	UNK_USER	"%s: unknown user: %s\n"
+ #define	NO_LFLAG	"%s: do no include \"l\" with other flags\n"
+ #define	NO_PERM		"%s: permission denied\n"
+ #define	NO_PWLOCK	"%s: can't lock password file\n"
+ #define	NO_SPLOCK	"%s: can't lock shadow password file\n"
+ #define	NO_PWOPEN	"%s: can't open password file\n"
+ #define	NO_SPOPEN	"%s: can't open shadow password file\n"
+ #define	CHANGE_INFO	"Changing the aging information for %s\n"
+ #define	FIELD_ERR	"%s: error changing fields\n"
+ #define	NO_PWUPDATE	"%s: can't update password file\n"
+ #define	NO_SPUPDATE	"%s: can't update shadow password file\n"
+ #define	NO_PWCLOSE	"%s: can't rewrite password file\n"
+ #define	NO_SPCLOSE	"%s: can't rewrite shadow password file\n"
+ #define	LOCK_FAIL	"failed locking %s\n"
+ #define	OPEN_FAIL	"failed opening %s\n"
+ #define	WRITE_FAIL	"failed updating %s\n"
+ #define	CLOSE_FAIL	"failed rewriting %s\n"
   * usage - print command line syntax and exit
*** 405,411 ****
--- 429,437 ----
  		Prog = argv[0];
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ #endif
  #ifdef	NDBM
  	sp_dbm_mode = O_RDWR;
  	pw_dbm_mode = O_RDWR;
*** 462,469 ****
  		usage ();
  	if (lflg && (mflg || Mflg || dflg || Wflg || Iflg || Eflg)) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, "%s: do not include \"l\" with other flags\n",
! 			Prog);
  		usage ();
--- 488,497 ----
  		usage ();
  	if (lflg && (mflg || Mflg || dflg || Wflg || Iflg || Eflg)) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, NO_LFLAG, Prog);
! #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
! 		closelog ();
! #endif
  		usage ();
*** 474,480 ****
  	if (ruid != 0 && ! lflg) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, "%s: permission denied\n", Prog);
  		exit (1);
--- 502,511 ----
  	if (ruid != 0 && ! lflg) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, NO_PERM, Prog);
! #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
! 		closelog ();
! #endif
  		exit (1);
*** 485,501 ****
  	if (! pw_lock ()) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, "%s: can't lock password file\n", Prog);
  		exit (1);
  	if (! pw_open (ruid != 0 || lflg ? O_RDONLY:O_RDWR)) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, "%s: can't open password file\n", Prog);
  		cleanup (1);
  		exit (1);
  	if (! (pw = pw_locate (argv[optind]))) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, "%s: unknown user: %s\n", Prog, argv[optind]);
  		cleanup (1);
  		exit (1);
--- 516,543 ----
  	if (! pw_lock ()) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, NO_PWLOCK, Prog);
! #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
! 		syslog (LOG_ERR, LOCK_FAIL, "/etc/passwd");
! 		closelog ();
! #endif
  		exit (1);
  	if (! pw_open (ruid != 0 || lflg ? O_RDONLY:O_RDWR)) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, NO_PWOPEN, Prog);
  		cleanup (1);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		syslog (LOG_ERR, OPEN_FAIL, "/etc/passwd");
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  	if (! (pw = pw_locate (argv[optind]))) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, UNK_USER, Prog, argv[optind]);
  		cleanup (1);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
*** 508,520 ****
  	if (! spw_lock ()) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, "%s: can't lock shadow file\n", Prog);
  		cleanup (1);
  		exit (1);
  	if (! spw_open ((ruid != 0 || lflg) ? O_RDONLY:O_RDWR)) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, "%s: can't open shadow file\n", Prog);
  		cleanup (2);
  		exit (1);
  	if (sp = spw_locate (argv[optind]))
--- 550,570 ----
  	if (! spw_lock ()) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, NO_SPLOCK, Prog);
  		cleanup (1);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		syslog (LOG_ERR, LOCK_FAIL, "/etc/shadow");
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  	if (! spw_open ((ruid != 0 || lflg) ? O_RDONLY:O_RDWR)) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, NO_SPOPEN, Prog);
  		cleanup (2);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		syslog (LOG_ERR, OPEN_FAIL, "/etc/shadow");
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  	if (sp = spw_locate (argv[optind]))
*** 567,577 ****
  	if (lflg) {
  		if (ruid != 0 && ruid != pw->pw_uid) {
! 			fprintf (stderr, "%s: permission denied\n", Prog);
  			exit (1);
  		list_fields ();
  		cleanup (2);
  		exit (0);
--- 617,633 ----
  	if (lflg) {
  		if (ruid != 0 && ruid != pw->pw_uid) {
! 			fprintf (stderr, NO_PERM, Prog);
! #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
! 			closelog ();
! #endif
  			exit (1);
  		list_fields ();
  		cleanup (2);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (0);
*** 581,590 ****
  	if (! mflg && ! Mflg && ! dflg && ! Wflg && ! Iflg && ! Eflg) {
! 		printf ("Changing the aging information for %s\n", name);
  		if (! new_fields ()) {
! 			fprintf (stderr, "%s: error changing fields\n", Prog);
  			cleanup (2);
  			exit (1);
--- 637,649 ----
  	if (! mflg && ! Mflg && ! dflg && ! Wflg && ! Iflg && ! Eflg) {
! 		printf (CHANGE_INFO, name);
  		if (! new_fields ()) {
! 			fprintf (stderr, FIELD_ERR, Prog);
  			cleanup (2);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 			closelog ();
+ #endif
  			exit (1);
*** 608,616 ****
  		pwent.pw_age = "";
  		if (! pw_update (&pwent)) {
! 			fprintf (stderr, "%s: can't update password file\n",
! 				Prog);
  			cleanup (2);
  			exit (1);
  #if defined(DBM) || defined(NDBM)
--- 667,678 ----
  		pwent.pw_age = "";
  		if (! pw_update (&pwent)) {
! 			fprintf (stderr, NO_PWUPDATE, Prog);
  			cleanup (2);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 			syslog (LOG_ERR, WRITE_FAIL, "/etc/passwd");
+ 			closelog ();
+ #endif
  			exit (1);
  #if defined(DBM) || defined(NDBM)
*** 633,657 ****
  	sp->sp_expire = expdays;
  	if (! spw_update (sp)) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, "%s: can't update shadow file\n", Prog);
  		cleanup (2);
  		exit (1);
  #ifdef	NDBM
  	if (access ("/etc/shadow.pag", 0) == 0 && ! sp_dbm_update (sp)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, DBMERROR);
  		syslog (LOG_ERR, DBMERROR2);
! 		(void) spw_unlock ();
  		exit (1);
  #endif	/* NDBM */
  	if (! spw_close ()) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, "%s: can't rewrite shadow file\n", Prog);
  		cleanup (2);
  		exit (1);
- 	(void) pw_close ();
  	cleanup (2);
  	exit (0);
--- 695,758 ----
  	sp->sp_expire = expdays;
  	if (! spw_update (sp)) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, NO_SPUPDATE, Prog);
  		cleanup (2);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		syslog (LOG_ERR, WRITE_FAIL, "/etc/shadow");
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  #ifdef	NDBM
+ 	/*
+ 	 * See if the shadow DBM file exists and try to update it.
+ 	 */
  	if (access ("/etc/shadow.pag", 0) == 0 && ! sp_dbm_update (sp)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, DBMERROR);
+ 		cleanup (2);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_ERR, DBMERROR2);
! 		closelog ();
! #endif
  		exit (1);
  #endif	/* NDBM */
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Now close the shadow password file, which will cause all
+ 	 * of the entries to be re-written.
+ 	 */
  	if (! spw_close ()) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, NO_SPCLOSE, Prog);
! 		cleanup (2);
! #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
! 		syslog (LOG_ERR, CLOSE_FAIL, "/etc/shadow");
! 		closelog ();
! #endif
! 		exit (1);
! 	}
! 	/*
! 	 * Close the password file.  If any entries were modified, the
! 	 * file will be re-written.
! 	 */
! 	if (! pw_close ()) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, NO_PWCLOSE, Prog);
  		cleanup (2);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		syslog (LOG_ERR, CLOSE_FAIL, "/etc/passwd");
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  	cleanup (2);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 	closelog ();
+ #endif
  	exit (0);
*** rel3/chfn.c	Sat May 25 10:22:19 1991
--- chfn.c	Tue May 28 09:10:37 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 10,22 ****
  #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <syslog.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <fcntl.h>
  #include <signal.h>
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)chfn.c	3.4	11:23:40	12/19/90";
--- 10,21 ----
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <fcntl.h>
  #include <signal.h>
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)chfn.c	3.5	09:07:04	5/28/91";
*** 36,41 ****
--- 35,48 ----
  #include "config.h"
  #include "pwd.h"
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ #include <syslog.h>
+ #ifndef	LOG_WARN
+ #endif
+ #endif
   * Global variables.
*** 229,235 ****
--- 236,244 ----
  		Progname = argv[0];
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  	openlog (Progname, LOG_PID, LOG_AUTH);
+ #endif
  	 * The remaining arguments will be processed one by one and
*** 265,270 ****
--- 274,280 ----
  				fprintf (stderr, NOPERM, Progname);
+ 				closelog ();
  				exit (1);
  				usage ();
*** 285,290 ****
--- 295,301 ----
  		pw = getpwnam (user);
  	} else {
  		fprintf (stderr, WHOAREYOU, Progname);
+ 		closelog ();
  		exit (1);
*** 295,300 ****
--- 306,312 ----
  	if (! pw) {
  		fprintf (stderr, UNKUSER, Progname, user);
+ 		closelog ();
  		exit (1);
*** 306,311 ****
--- 318,324 ----
  	if (! amroot && pw->pw_uid != getuid ()) {
  		fprintf (stderr, NOPERM, Progname);
+ 		closelog ();
  		exit (1);
*** 384,405 ****
--- 397,423 ----
  	if (valid_field (fullnm, ":,=")) {
  		fprintf (stderr, INVALID_NAME, Progname, fullnm);
+ 		closelog ();
  		exit (1);
  	if (valid_field (roomno, ":,=")) {
  		fprintf (stderr, INVALID_ROOM, Progname, roomno);
+ 		closelog ();
  		exit (1);
  	if (valid_field (workph, ":,=")) {
  		fprintf (stderr, INVALID_WORKPH, Progname, workph);
+ 		closelog ();
  		exit (1);
  	if (valid_field (homeph, ":,=")) {
  		fprintf (stderr, INVALID_HOMEPH, Progname, homeph);
+ 		closelog ();
  		exit (1);
  	if (valid_field (slop, ":")) {
  		fprintf (stderr, INVALID_OTHER, Progname, slop);
+ 		closelog ();
  		exit (1);
*** 411,416 ****
--- 429,435 ----
  	if (strlen (fullnm) + strlen (roomno) + strlen (workph) +
  			strlen (homeph) + strlen (slop) > 80) {
  		fprintf (stderr, INVALID_FIELDS, Progname);
+ 		closelog ();
  		exit (1);
  	sprintf (new_gecos, "%s,%s,%s,%s", fullnm, roomno, workph, homeph);
*** 431,437 ****
--- 450,459 ----
  	ulimit (2, 30000);
  	if (setuid (0)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, NOTROOT);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_ERR, NOTROOT2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  	signal (SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
*** 452,464 ****
  	if (i == 30) {
  		fprintf (stderr, PWDBUSY);
  		syslog (LOG_WARN, PWDBUSY2);
  		exit (1);
  	if (! pw_open (O_RDWR)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, OPNERROR);
- 		syslog (LOG_ERR, OPNERROR2);
  		(void) pw_unlock ();
  		exit (1);
--- 474,492 ----
  	if (i == 30) {
  		fprintf (stderr, PWDBUSY);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_WARN, PWDBUSY2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  	if (! pw_open (O_RDWR)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, OPNERROR);
  		(void) pw_unlock ();
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		syslog (LOG_ERR, OPNERROR2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
*** 469,483 ****
  	if (! pw_update (pw)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, UPDERROR);
- 		syslog (LOG_ERR, UPDERROR2);
  		(void) pw_unlock ();
  		exit (1);
  #if defined(DBM) || defined(NDBM)
  	if (access ("/etc/passwd.pag", 0) == 0 && ! pw_dbm_update (pw)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, DBMERROR);
- 		syslog (LOG_ERR, DBMERROR2);
  		(void) pw_unlock ();
  		exit (1);
--- 497,517 ----
  	if (! pw_update (pw)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, UPDERROR);
  		(void) pw_unlock ();
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		syslog (LOG_ERR, UPDERROR2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  #if defined(DBM) || defined(NDBM)
  	if (access ("/etc/passwd.pag", 0) == 0 && ! pw_dbm_update (pw)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, DBMERROR);
  		(void) pw_unlock ();
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		syslog (LOG_ERR, DBMERROR2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
*** 489,504 ****
  	if (! pw_close ()) {
  		fprintf (stderr, CLSERROR);
- 		syslog (LOG_ERR, CLSERROR2);
  		(void) pw_unlock ();
  		exit (1);
  	if (! pw_unlock ()) {
  		fprintf (stderr, UNLKERROR);
  		syslog (LOG_ERR, UNLKERROR2);
  		exit (1);
  	syslog (LOG_INFO, CHGGECOS, user);
  	closelog ();
  	exit (0);
--- 523,546 ----
  	if (! pw_close ()) {
  		fprintf (stderr, CLSERROR);
  		(void) pw_unlock ();
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		syslog (LOG_ERR, CLSERROR2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  	if (! pw_unlock ()) {
  		fprintf (stderr, UNLKERROR);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_ERR, UNLKERROR2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  	syslog (LOG_INFO, CHGGECOS, user);
  	closelog ();
+ #endif
  	exit (0);
*** rel3/chpasswd.c	Sat May 25 10:22:38 1991
--- chpasswd.c	Tue May 28 09:10:42 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 8,16 ****
   * and conspicuously displayed on all copies of object code or
   * distribution media.
!  * chpass - update passwords in batch
!  *	chpass reads standard input for a list of colon separated
   *	user names and new passwords.  the appropriate password
   *	files are updated to reflect the changes.  because the
   *	changes are made in a batch fashion, the user must run
--- 8,16 ----
   * and conspicuously displayed on all copies of object code or
   * distribution media.
!  * chpasswd - update passwords in batch
!  *	chpasswd reads standard input for a list of colon separated
   *	user names and new passwords.  the appropriate password
   *	files are updated to reflect the changes.  because the
   *	changes are made in a batch fashion, the user must run
*** 28,34 ****
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)chpasswd.c	3.2	12:30:30	12/12/90";
  char	*Prog;
--- 28,34 ----
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)chpasswd.c	3.3	09:07:09	5/28/91";
  char	*Prog;
*** 211,222 ****
  	if (errors) {
! 		fprintf ("%s: error detected, changes ignored\n", Prog);
  		pw_unlock ();
  		exit (1);
  	if (! pw_close ()) {
! 		fprintf ("%s: error updating password file\n", Prog);
  		exit (1);
  	(void) pw_unlock ();
--- 211,222 ----
  	if (errors) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, "%s: error detected, changes ignored\n", Prog);
  		pw_unlock ();
  		exit (1);
  	if (! pw_close ()) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, "%s: error updating password file\n", Prog);
  		exit (1);
  	(void) pw_unlock ();
*** rel3/chsh.c	Sat May 25 10:22:20 1991
--- chsh.c	Tue May 28 09:10:43 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 10,22 ****
  #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <syslog.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <fcntl.h>
  #include <signal.h>
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)chsh.c	3.3	11:23:29	12/19/90";
--- 10,21 ----
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <fcntl.h>
  #include <signal.h>
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)chsh.c	3.4	09:07:12	5/28/91";
*** 36,41 ****
--- 35,48 ----
  #include "config.h"
  #include "pwd.h"
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ #include <syslog.h>
+ #ifndef	LOG_WARN
+ #endif
+ #endif
   * Global variables.
*** 209,215 ****
--- 216,224 ----
  		Progname = argv[0];
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  	openlog (Progname, LOG_PID, LOG_AUTH);
+ #endif
  	 * There is only one option, but use getopt() anyway to
*** 249,254 ****
--- 258,266 ----
  		pw = getpwnam (user);
  	} else {
  		fprintf (stderr, WHOAREYOU, Progname);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
*** 259,264 ****
--- 271,279 ----
  	if (! pw) {
  		fprintf (stderr, UNKUSER, Progname, user);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
*** 270,276 ****
--- 285,294 ----
  	if (! amroot && pw->pw_uid != getuid ()) {
  		fprintf (stderr, NOPERM, user);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_WARN, NOPERM2, user);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
*** 281,287 ****
--- 299,308 ----
  	if (! amroot && restricted_shell (pw->pw_shell)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, NOPERM, user);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_WARN, NOPERM2, user);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
*** 329,338 ****
--- 350,365 ----
  	if (valid_field (loginsh, ":,=")) {
  		fprintf (stderr, BADFIELD, Progname, loginsh);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  	if (! check_shell (loginsh)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, BADSHELL, loginsh);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  	pwent.pw_shell = loginsh;
*** 348,354 ****
--- 375,384 ----
  	ulimit (2, 30000);
  	if (setuid (0)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, NOTROOT);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_ERR, NOTROOT2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  	signal (SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
*** 369,381 ****
  	if (i == 30) {
  		fprintf (stderr, PWDBUSY);
  		syslog (LOG_WARN, PWDBUSY2);
  		exit (1);
  	if (! pw_open (O_RDWR)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, OPNERROR);
- 		syslog (LOG_ERR, OPNERROR2);
  		(void) pw_unlock ();
  		exit (1);
--- 399,417 ----
  	if (i == 30) {
  		fprintf (stderr, PWDBUSY);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_WARN, PWDBUSY2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  	if (! pw_open (O_RDWR)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, OPNERROR);
  		(void) pw_unlock ();
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		syslog (LOG_ERR, OPNERROR2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
*** 386,400 ****
  	if (! pw_update (pw)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, UPDERROR);
- 		syslog (LOG_ERR, UPDERROR2);
  		(void) pw_unlock ();
  		exit (1);
  #if defined(DBM) || defined(NDBM)
  	if (access ("/etc/passwd.pag", 0) == 0 && ! pw_dbm_update (pw)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, DBMERROR);
- 		syslog (LOG_ERR, DBMERROR2);
  		(void) pw_unlock ();
  		exit (1);
--- 422,442 ----
  	if (! pw_update (pw)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, UPDERROR);
  		(void) pw_unlock ();
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		syslog (LOG_ERR, UPDERROR2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  #if defined(DBM) || defined(NDBM)
  	if (access ("/etc/passwd.pag", 0) == 0 && ! pw_dbm_update (pw)) {
  		fprintf (stderr, DBMERROR);
  		(void) pw_unlock ();
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		syslog (LOG_ERR, DBMERROR2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
*** 406,421 ****
  	if (! pw_close ()) {
  		fprintf (stderr, CLSERROR);
- 		syslog (LOG_ERR, CLSERROR2);
  		(void) pw_unlock ();
  		exit (1);
  	if (! pw_unlock ()) {
  		fprintf (stderr, UNLKERROR);
  		syslog (LOG_ERR, UNLKERROR2);
  		exit (1);
  	syslog (LOG_INFO, CHGSHELL, user, pwent.pw_shell);
  	closelog ();
  	exit (0);
--- 448,471 ----
  	if (! pw_close ()) {
  		fprintf (stderr, CLSERROR);
  		(void) pw_unlock ();
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		syslog (LOG_ERR, CLSERROR2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
  	if (! pw_unlock ()) {
  		fprintf (stderr, UNLKERROR);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_ERR, UNLKERROR2);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  	syslog (LOG_INFO, CHGSHELL, user, pwent.pw_shell);
  	closelog ();
+ #endif
  	exit (0);
*** rel3/entry.c	Sat May 25 10:22:34 1991
--- entry.c	Tue May 28 09:10:44 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 23,29 ****
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)entry.c	3.2	12:30:39	12/12/90";
  struct	passwd	*fgetpwent ();
--- 23,29 ----
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)entry.c	3.3	09:07:17	5/28/91";
  struct	passwd	*fgetpwent ();
*** 38,43 ****
--- 38,44 ----
  	char	*l64a ();
  	char	*cp;
+ 	char	*malloc();
  	if (! (passwd = getpwnam (name))) {
  		pwent->pw_name = (char *) 0;
*** 57,63 ****
  		if (spwd = getspnam (name)) {
  			pwent->pw_passwd = strdup (spwd->sp_pwdp);
  #ifdef	ATT_AGE
! 			pwent->pw_age = malloc (5);
  			if (spwd->sp_max > (63*7))
  				spwd->sp_max = (63*7);
--- 58,64 ----
  		if (spwd = getspnam (name)) {
  			pwent->pw_passwd = strdup (spwd->sp_pwdp);
  #ifdef	ATT_AGE
! 			pwent->pw_age = (char *) malloc (5);
  			if (spwd->sp_max > (63*7))
  				spwd->sp_max = (63*7);
*** rel3/getpass.c	Sat May 25 10:22:17 1991
--- getpass.c	Tue May 28 09:10:45 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 22,28 ****
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)getpass.c	3.2	08:19:03	2/5/91";
--- 22,28 ----
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)getpass.c	3.3	09:09:36	5/28/91";
*** 30,36 ****
   * for password.
! #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(_POSIX_SOURCE)
  #include <limits.h>
--- 30,36 ----
   * for password.
! #if __STDC__ || _POSIX_SOURCE
  #include <limits.h>
*** rel3/gpmain.c	Sat May 25 10:22:26 1991
--- gpmain.c	Tue May 28 09:10:47 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 38,44 ****
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	_sccsid[] = "@(#)gpmain.c	3.4	12:30:43	12/12/90";
  char	name[BUFSIZ];
--- 38,44 ----
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	_sccsid[] = "@(#)gpmain.c	3.5	09:07:24	5/28/91";
  char	name[BUFSIZ];
*** 66,71 ****
--- 66,72 ----
  extern	long	a64l ();
  extern	void	entry ();
  extern	time_t	time ();
+ extern	char	*malloc ();
   * usage - display usage message
*** 156,161 ****
--- 157,163 ----
  	void	die ();
  	char	*cp;
  	char	*getlogin ();
+ 	char	*getpass ();
  	int	amroot;
  	int	retries;
  	int	ruid = getuid();
*** rel3/groupio.c	Sat May 25 10:22:56 1991
--- groupio.c	Tue May 28 09:10:48 1991
*** 1,10 ****
!  * Copyright 1990, John F. Haugh II
!  * An unpublished work.
   * All rights reserved.
!  * Use, duplication, and disclosure prohibited without
!  * the express written permission of the author.
   *	This file implements a transaction oriented group database
   *	library.  The group file is updated one entry at a time.
--- 1,12 ----
!  * Copyright 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
!  * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
!  * non-commercial purpose, provided this copyright notice is preserved
!  * in all copies of source code, or included in human readable form
!  * and conspicuously displayed on all copies of object code or
!  * distribution media.
   *	This file implements a transaction oriented group database
   *	library.  The group file is updated one entry at a time.
*** 21,26 ****
--- 23,29 ----
   *	gr_unlock			-- remove group lock
+ #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <sys/stat.h>
  #include <fcntl.h>
  #include <errno.h>
*** 33,39 ****
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)groupio.c	3.6 15:59:12 12/9/90";
  static	int	islocked;
--- 36,42 ----
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)groupio.c	3.7 09:07:28 5/28/91";
  static	int	islocked;
*** 62,67 ****
--- 65,72 ----
  extern	char	*strdup();
  extern	struct	group	*sgetgrent();
+ extern	char	*malloc();
+ extern	char	*fgetsx();
   * gr_dup - duplicate a group file entry
*** rel3/lmain.c	Sat May 25 10:22:13 1991
--- lmain.c	Tue May 28 09:10:51 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 16,22 ****
  #include <utmp.h>
  #include <time.h>
  #include <signal.h>
- #include <syslog.h>
  #ifndef	BSD
  #include <string.h>
  #include <memory.h>
--- 16,21 ----
*** 36,43 ****
  #include "faillog.h"
  #include "shadow.h"
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "%W%	%U%	%G%";
  #ifndef	ERASECHAR
--- 35,50 ----
  #include "faillog.h"
  #include "shadow.h"
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ #include <syslog.h>
+ #ifndef	LOG_WARN
+ #endif
+ #endif
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)lmain.c	3.5	09:07:32	5/28/91";
  #ifndef	ERASECHAR
*** 258,264 ****
--- 265,273 ----
  	if (rflg && (hflg || fflg || pflg))
  		usage ();
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ #endif
  	 * The -r and -f flags both require the real UID to be
*** 266,277 ****
  	 * flags, so the user must already be root.
! 	if ((rflg || fflg) && getuid () != 0)
  		exit (1);		/* only root can use -r or -f */
! 	if (! isatty (0) || ! isatty (1) || ! isatty (2))
  		exit (1);		/* must be a terminal */
  #ifndef	BSD
  	(void) ioctl (0, TCGETA, &termio); /* get terminal characteristics */
--- 275,292 ----
  	 * flags, so the user must already be root.
! 	if ((rflg || fflg) && getuid () != 0) {
! #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
! 		closelog ();
! #endif
  		exit (1);		/* only root can use -r or -f */
! 	}
! 	if (! isatty (0) || ! isatty (1) || ! isatty (2)) {
! #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
! 		closelog ();
! #endif
  		exit (1);		/* must be a terminal */
! 	}
  #ifndef	BSD
  	(void) ioctl (0, TCGETA, &termio); /* get terminal characteristics */
*** 330,338 ****
  		pass[0] = '\0';
  		if (! name[0]) {	/* need to get a login id */
! 			if (subroot)
  				exit (1);
  			rflg = fflg = 0;
  			login (name);
--- 345,356 ----
  		pass[0] = '\0';
  		if (! name[0]) {	/* need to get a login id */
! 			if (subroot) {
! #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
! 				closelog ();
! #endif
  				exit (1);
! 			}
  			rflg = fflg = 0;
  			login (name);
*** 344,350 ****
--- 362,372 ----
  		if (pwent.pw_name) {
  			if (! (spwd = getspnam (name)))
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  				syslog (LOG_WARN, NO_SHADOW, name, tty);
+ #else
+ 				;
+ #endif
  				pwent.pw_passwd = spwd->sp_pwdp;
  			failed = 0;	/* hasn't failed validation yet */
*** 374,380 ****
--- 396,404 ----
  			strncpy (pass, cp, sizeof pass);
  		if (! valid (pass, &pwent)) { /* check encrypted passwords */
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  			syslog (LOG_WARN, BAD_PASSWD, name, tty);
+ #endif
  			failed = 1;
  		bzero (pass, sizeof pass);
*** 390,396 ****
--- 414,422 ----
  		alarm (30);
  		if (pwent.pw_name && ! dialcheck (tty,
  				pwent.pw_shell[0] ? pwent.pw_shell:"/bin/sh")) {
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  			syslog (LOG_WARN, BAD_DIALUP, name, tty);
+ #endif
  			failed = 1;
  #endif	/* DIALUP */
*** 397,403 ****
--- 423,431 ----
  #ifdef	PORTTIME
  		if (pwent.pw_name &&
  			! isttytime (pwent.pw_name, tty, time ((time_t *) 0))) {
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  			syslog (LOG_WARN, BAD_TIME, name, tty);
+ #endif
  			failed = 1;
  #endif	/* PORTTIME */
*** 420,433 ****
--- 448,465 ----
  				if (strcmp (CONSOLE, tty))
  					failed = 1;
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  			if (failed)
  				syslog (LOG_CRIT, BAD_ROOT_LOGIN, tty);
+ #endif
  #endif	/* CONSOLE */
  #ifdef	FAILLOG
  		if (pwent.pw_name &&
  			! failcheck (pwent.pw_uid, &faillog, failed)) {
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  			syslog (LOG_CRIT, FAILURE_CNT, name, tty);
+ #endif
  			failed = 1;
  #endif	/* FAILLOG */
*** 435,442 ****
  		puts ("Login incorrect");
! 		if (rflg || fflg)
  			exit (1);
  #ifdef	FAILLOG
  		if (pwent.pw_name)	/* don't log non-existent users */
  			failure (pwent.pw_uid, tty, &faillog);
--- 467,478 ----
  		puts ("Login incorrect");
! 		if (rflg || fflg) {
! #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
! 			closelog ();
! #endif
  			exit (1);
+ 		}
  #ifdef	FAILLOG
  		if (pwent.pw_name)	/* don't log non-existent users */
  			failure (pwent.pw_uid, tty, &faillog);
*** 458,466 ****
  		failtmp (&failent);
  #endif /* FTMP */
! 		if (--retries <= 0)	/* only allow so many failures */
  			exit (1);
  		bzero (name, sizeof name);
  		bzero (pass, sizeof pass);
--- 494,505 ----
  		failtmp (&failent);
  #endif /* FTMP */
! 		if (--retries <= 0) {	/* only allow so many failures */
! #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
! 			closelog ();
! #endif
  			exit (1);
! 		}
  		bzero (name, sizeof name);
  		bzero (pass, sizeof pass);
*** 488,493 ****
--- 527,535 ----
  		} else
  			printf ("\r\nSystem closed for routine maintenance\n");
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (0);
  #endif	/* NOLOGINS */
*** 567,575 ****
--- 609,620 ----
  	endspent ();			/* stop access to shadow passwd file */
  	endsgent ();			/* stop access to shadow group file */
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  	if (pwent.pw_uid == 0)
  		syslog (LOG_INFO, ROOT_LOGIN, tty);
+ 	closelog ();
+ #endif
  	shell (pwent.pw_shell, (char *) 0); /* exec the shell finally. */
*** rel3/mkpasswd.c	Sat May 25 10:22:14 1991
--- mkpasswd.c	Tue May 28 09:10:54 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 9,16 ****
--- 9,35 ----
   * distribution media.
+ #ifndef	lint
+ static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)mkpasswd.c	3.5	09:07:38	5/28/91";
+ static	char	copyright[] = "Copyright 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II";
+ #endif
  #include "config.h"
  #include <stdio.h>
+ #if !defined(DBM) && !defined(NDBM) /*{*/
+ main (argc, argv)
+ int	argc;
+ char	**argv;
+ {
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "%s: no DBM database on system - no action performed\n",
+ 		argv[0]);
+ 	exit(0);
+ }
+ #else /*} defined(DBM) || defined(NDBM) {*/
  #include <fcntl.h>
  #include "pwd.h"
  #ifdef	BSD
*** 39,49 ****
  DBM	*sgr_dbm;
- #ifndef	lint
- static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)mkpasswd.c	3.4	11:29:08	12/19/90";
- static	char	copyright[] = "Copyright 1990, John F. Haugh II";
- #endif
  char	*CANT_OPEN =	"%s: cannot open file %s\n";
  char	*CANT_OVERWRITE = "%s: cannot overwrite file %s\n";
  char	*CANT_CREATE =	"%s: cannot create %s\n";
--- 58,63 ----
*** 378,380 ****
--- 392,395 ----
  	exit (1);
+ #endif /*} defined(DBM) || defined(NDBM) */
*** rel3/newgrp.c	Sat May 25 10:22:05 1991
--- newgrp.c	Tue May 28 09:10:56 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 21,27 ****
  #include "config.h"
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)newgrp.c	3.3	12:30:58	12/12/90";
  #ifdef	NGROUPS
--- 21,27 ----
  #include "config.h"
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)newgrp.c	3.4	09:07:42	5/28/91";
  #ifdef	NGROUPS
*** 44,49 ****
--- 44,52 ----
  char	*getlogin();
  char	*crypt();
+ char	*getpass();
+ char	*getenv();
+ char	*pw_encrypt();
  void	shell();
  char	*name;
*** rel3/newusers.c	Sat May 25 10:22:40 1991
--- newusers.c	Tue May 28 09:10:58 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 26,32 ****
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)newusers.c	3.2	12:31:02	12/12/90";
  char	*Prog;
--- 26,32 ----
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)newusers.c	3.3	09:07:46	5/28/91";
  char	*Prog;
*** 273,278 ****
--- 273,279 ----
  	struct	passwd	*pw;
  	struct	passwd	pwent;
  	static	char	newage[5];
+ 	extern	char	*l64a();
  	 * In the case of regular password files, this is real
*** 581,587 ****
  	if (errors) {
! 		fprintf ("%s: error detected, changes ignored\n", Prog);
  		(void) gr_unlock ();
  #ifdef	SHADOWPWD
  		(void) spw_unlock ();
--- 582,588 ----
  	if (errors) {
! 		fprintf (stderr, "%s: error detected, changes ignored\n", Prog);
  		(void) gr_unlock ();
  #ifdef	SHADOWPWD
  		(void) spw_unlock ();
*** 595,601 ****
  	if (! pw_close () || ! gr_close ())
! 		fprintf ("%s: error updating files\n", Prog);
  		(void) gr_unlock ();
  #ifdef	SHADOWPWD
  		(void) spw_unlock ();
--- 596,602 ----
  	if (! pw_close () || ! gr_close ())
! 		fprintf (stderr, "%s: error updating files\n", Prog);
  		(void) gr_unlock ();
  #ifdef	SHADOWPWD
  		(void) spw_unlock ();
*** rel3/obscure.c	Sat May 25 10:22:08 1991
--- obscure.c	Tue May 28 09:11:00 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 21,27 ****
  #include "config.h"
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)obscure.c	3.1	11:31:35	12/19/90";
--- 21,52 ----
  #include "config.h"
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)obscure.c	3.2	09:07:51	5/28/91";
! #endif
! #ifdef	NO_STRSTR
! /*
!  * strstr - find substring in string
!  */
! char *
! strstr (string, pattern)
! char	*string;
! char	*pattern;
! {
! 	char	*cp;
! 	int	len;
! 	len = strlen (pattern);
! 	for (cp = string;cp = strchr (cp, *pattern);) {
! 		if (strncmp (cp, pattern, len) == 0)
! 			return cp;
! 		cp++;
! 	}
! 	return 0;
! }
*** rel3/pwd.h	Sat May 25 10:22:50 1991
--- pwd.h	Tue May 28 09:11:01 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1990, John F. Haugh II and Steve Simmons
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II and Steve Simmons
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 27,33 ****
  #ifndef	PWD_H
  #define	PWD_H
! #include	<sys/types.h>
   * For now these are defined here.  Later they should be moved to
--- 27,36 ----
  #ifndef	PWD_H
  #define	PWD_H
! #ifdef	M_XENIX
! typedef int uid_t;
! typedef int gid_t;
! #endif
   * For now these are defined here.  Later they should be moved to
*** 77,83 ****
! #ifdef	__STDC__
  extern	struct	passwd	*getpwent( void ) ;
  extern	struct	passwd	*getpwuid( uid_t user_uid ) ;
--- 80,86 ----
! #if	__STDC__
  extern	struct	passwd	*getpwent( void ) ;
  extern	struct	passwd	*getpwuid( uid_t user_uid ) ;
*** 93,98 ****
  int	setpwent();
  int	endpwent();
! #endif	/* of ifdef __STDC__ */
  #endif	/* of ifdef PWD_H */
--- 96,101 ----
  int	setpwent();
  int	endpwent();
! #endif	/* of if __STDC__ */
  #endif	/* of ifdef PWD_H */
*** rel3/pwdbm.c	Sat May 25 10:22:42 1991
--- pwdbm.c	Tue May 28 09:11:02 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 10,16 ****
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)pwdbm.c	3.3	12:31:13	12/12/90";
  #ifdef	BSD
--- 10,16 ----
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)pwdbm.c	3.4	09:08:00	5/28/91";
  #ifdef	BSD
*** 24,29 ****
--- 24,31 ----
  #include "pwd.h"
  #include "config.h"
+ #if defined(DBM) || defined(NDBM) /*{*/
  #ifdef	DBM
  #include <dbm.h>
*** 94,96 ****
--- 96,100 ----
  	return 1;
+ #endif	/*} defined(NDBM) || defined(DBM) */
*** rel3/pwio.c	Sat May 25 10:22:37 1991
--- pwio.c	Tue May 28 09:11:05 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 23,28 ****
--- 23,29 ----
   *	pw_unlock			-- remove password lock
+ #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <sys/stat.h>
  #include <fcntl.h>
  #include <errno.h>
*** 29,36 ****
  #include "pwd.h"
  #include <stdio.h>
  #ifndef lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)pwio.c	3.6	12:31:19	12/12/90";
  static	int	islocked;
--- 30,43 ----
  #include "pwd.h"
  #include <stdio.h>
+ #ifdef	BSD
+ # include <strings.h>
+ #else
+ # include <string.h>
+ #endif
  #ifndef lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)pwio.c	3.7	09:08:02	5/28/91";
  static	int	islocked;
*** 58,63 ****
--- 65,71 ----
  static	char	pw_filename[BUFSIZ] = PASSWD;
  extern	char	*strdup();
+ extern	char	*malloc();
  extern	struct	passwd	*sgetpwent();
*** rel3/pwunconv.c	Sat May 25 10:22:07 1991
--- pwunconv.c	Tue May 28 09:11:07 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 27,33 ****
  #include "shadow.h"
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)pwunconv.c	3.2	12:31:26	12/12/90";
  #ifdef	ITI_AGING
--- 27,33 ----
  #include "shadow.h"
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)pwunconv.c	3.3	09:08:06	5/28/91";
  #ifdef	ITI_AGING
*** 108,114 ****
  			pw->pw_age = "";
  #endif	/* ATT_AGE */
  		if (putpwent (pw, npwd)) {
! 			perror (stderr, "pwunconv: write error");
  			exit (1);
--- 108,114 ----
  			pw->pw_age = "";
  #endif	/* ATT_AGE */
  		if (putpwent (pw, npwd)) {
! 			perror ("pwunconv: write error");
  			exit (1);
*** rel3/setup.c	Sat May 25 10:22:34 1991
--- setup.c	Tue May 28 09:11:08 1991
*** 12,18 ****
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <utmp.h>
- #include <syslog.h>
  #ifdef	BSD
  #include <strings.h>
--- 12,17 ----
*** 25,32 ****
  #include "config.h"
  #include "pwd.h"
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)setup.c	3.3	07:46:41	2/6/91";
  #ifndef	PATH
--- 24,39 ----
  #include "config.h"
  #include "pwd.h"
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
+ #include <syslog.h>
+ #ifndef	LOG_WARN
+ #endif
+ #endif
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)setup.c	3.4	09:08:08	5/28/91";
  #ifndef	PATH
*** 87,94 ****
--- 94,104 ----
  	(void) strcat (strcpy (tty, "/dev/"), utent.ut_line);
  	if (chown (tty, info->pw_uid, info->pw_gid) || chmod (tty, TTYPERM)) {
  		(void) sprintf (buf, "Unable to change tty %s", tty);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_WARN, "unable to change tty `%s' for user `%s'",
  			tty, info->pw_name);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		perror (buf);
  		exit (errno);
*** 95,102 ****
--- 105,115 ----
  	if (chdir (info->pw_dir) == -1) {
  		(void) sprintf (buf, "Unable to cd to \"%s\"", info->pw_dir);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_WARN, "unable to cd to `%s' for user `%s'",
  			info->pw_dir, info->pw_name);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		perror (buf);
  		exit (errno);
*** 130,137 ****
--- 143,153 ----
  	if (setgid (info->pw_gid) == -1) {
  		puts ("Bad group id");
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_WARN, "bad group ID `%d' for user `%s'",
  			info->pw_gid, info->pw_name);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (errno);
  #ifndef	BSD
*** 141,148 ****
--- 157,167 ----
  		puts ("Bad user id");
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_WARN, "bad user ID `%d' for user `%s'",
  			info->pw_uid, info->pw_name);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (errno);
  	(void) strcat (strcpy (buf, "HOME="), info->pw_dir);
*** rel3/sgroupio.c	Sat May 25 10:22:59 1991
--- sgroupio.c	Tue May 28 09:11:11 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 23,28 ****
--- 23,29 ----
   *	sgr_unlock			-- remove shadow group lock
+ #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <sys/stat.h>
  #include <fcntl.h>
  #include <errno.h>
*** 37,43 ****
  #include "shadow.h"
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)sgroupio.c	3.1	08:13:51	12/14/90";
  static	int	islocked;
--- 38,44 ----
  #include "shadow.h"
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)sgroupio.c	3.2	09:08:11	5/28/91";
  static	int	islocked;
*** 67,72 ****
--- 68,74 ----
  extern	char	*strdup();
  extern	struct	sgrp	*sgetgsent();
  extern	char	*fgetsx();
+ extern	char	*malloc();
   * sgr_dup - duplicate a shadow group file entry
*** rel3/shadowio.c	Sat May 25 10:22:58 1991
--- shadowio.c	Tue May 28 09:11:16 1991
*** 1,9 ****
!  * Copyright 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
!  * Use, duplication, and disclosure prohibited without
!  * the express written permission of the author.
   *	This file implements a transaction oriented password database
   *	library.  The password file is updated one entry at a time.
--- 1,12 ----
!  * Copyright 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
!  * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
!  * non-commercial purpose, provided this copyright notice is preserved
!  * in all copies of source code, or included in human readable form
!  * and conspicuously displayed on all copies of object code or
!  * distribution media.
   *	This file implements a transaction oriented password database
   *	library.  The password file is updated one entry at a time.
*** 21,29 ****
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)shadowio.c	3.4	07:54:20	12/1/90";
  #include <sys/stat.h>
  #include <fcntl.h>
  #include <errno.h>
--- 24,33 ----
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)shadowio.c	3.5	09:08:15	5/28/91";
+ #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <sys/stat.h>
  #include <fcntl.h>
  #include <errno.h>
*** 60,65 ****
--- 64,70 ----
  static	char	spw_filename[BUFSIZ] = SHADOW;
  extern	char	*strdup();
+ extern	char	*malloc();
  extern	struct	spwd	*sgetspent();
*** rel3/sub.c	Sat May 25 10:22:48 1991
--- sub.c	Tue May 28 09:11:18 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 10,21 ****
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <syslog.h>
  #include "pwd.h"
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)sub.c	3.2	08:22:12	1/30/91";
  #define	BAD_SUBROOT	"Invalid root directory \"%s\"\n"
--- 10,29 ----
  #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include "config.h"
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  #include <syslog.h>
+ #ifndef	LOG_WARN
+ #endif
+ #endif
  #include "pwd.h"
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)sub.c	3.3	09:08:19	5/28/91";
  #define	BAD_SUBROOT	"Invalid root directory \"%s\"\n"
*** 41,47 ****
--- 49,58 ----
  	if (pw->pw_dir[0] != '/') {
  		printf (BAD_SUBROOT, pw->pw_dir);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_WARN, BAD_SUBROOT2, pw->pw_dir, pw->pw_name);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
*** 52,58 ****
--- 63,72 ----
  	if (chdir (pw->pw_dir) || chroot (pw->pw_dir)) {
  		printf (NO_SUBROOT, pw->pw_dir);
+ #ifdef	USE_SYSLOG
  		syslog (LOG_WARN, NO_SUBROOT2, pw->pw_dir, pw->pw_name);
+ 		closelog ();
+ #endif
  		exit (1);
*** rel3/sulogin.c	Sat May 25 10:22:15 1991
--- sulogin.c	Tue May 28 09:11:18 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 24,30 ****
  #include "config.h"
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)sulogin.c	3.3	12:31:35	12/12/90";
  char	name[BUFSIZ];
--- 24,30 ----
  #include "config.h"
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)sulogin.c	3.4	09:08:21	5/28/91";
  char	name[BUFSIZ];
*** 65,70 ****
--- 65,71 ----
  	char	*getenv ();
  	char	*ttyname ();
+ 	char	*getpass ();
  	char	*cp;
  	if (access (PWDFILE, 0) == -1) { /* must be a password file! */
*** rel3/utmp.c	Sat May 25 10:22:23 1991
--- utmp.c	Tue May 28 09:11:19 1991
*** 1,5 ****
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
--- 1,5 ----
!  * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, John F. Haugh II
   * All rights reserved.
   * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
*** 25,31 ****
  #include "config.h"
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "%W%	%U%	%G%";
  extern	struct	utmp	utent;
--- 25,31 ----
  #include "config.h"
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)utmp.c	3.4	09:08:23	5/28/91";
  extern	struct	utmp	utent;
*** 138,144 ****
  	close (fd);
  	if ((wtmp = fopen (WTMP_FILE, "a+"))) {
! 		fwrite (&utent, sizeof utent, 1, wtmp);
  		fclose (wtmp);
--- 138,144 ----
  	close (fd);
  	if ((wtmp = fopen (WTMP_FILE, "a+"))) {
! 		fwrite ((char *) &utent, sizeof utent, 1, wtmp);
  		fclose (wtmp);
*** rel3/chage.c	Tue May 28 09:14:40 1991
--- chage.c	Wed May 29 06:35:11 1991
*** 17,23 ****
  #include <time.h>
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)chage.c	3.6	09:06:57	5/28/91";
--- 17,23 ----
  #include <time.h>
  #ifndef	lint
! static	char	sccsid[] = "@(#)chage.c	3.7	06:35:00	5/29/91";
*** 320,326 ****
  	printf ("Last Change:\t\t");
! 	if (changed <= 0) {
  		printf ("Never\n");
  	} else {
  		changed = lastday * SCALE;
--- 320,326 ----
  	printf ("Last Change:\t\t");
! 	if (lastday <= 0) {
  		printf ("Never\n");
  	} else {
  		changed = lastday * SCALE;
*** 336,342 ****
  	printf ("Password Expires:\t");
! 	if (changed <= 0 || maxdays >= 10000*(DAY/SCALE) || maxdays <= 0) {
  		printf ("Never\n");
  	} else {
  		expires = changed + maxdays * SCALE;
--- 336,342 ----
  	printf ("Password Expires:\t");
! 	if (lastday <= 0 || maxdays >= 10000*(DAY/SCALE) || maxdays <= 0) {
  		printf ("Never\n");
  	} else {
  		expires = changed + maxdays * SCALE;
*** 353,359 ****
  	printf ("Password Inactive:\t");
! 	if (changed <= 0 || inactdays <= 0 ||
  			maxdays >= 10000*(DAY/SCALE) || maxdays <= 0) {
  		printf ("Never\n");
  	} else {
--- 353,359 ----
  	printf ("Password Inactive:\t");
! 	if (lastday <= 0 || inactdays <= 0 ||
  			maxdays >= 10000*(DAY/SCALE) || maxdays <= 0) {
  		printf ("Never\n");
  	} else {
John F. Haugh II        | Distribution to  | UUCP: ...!!rpp386!jfh
Ma Bell: (512) 255-8251 | GEnie PROHIBITED :-) |  Domain: jfh at
"If liberals interpreted the 2nd Amendment the same way they interpret the
 rest of the Constitution, gun ownership would be mandatory."

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