csh jobs/tostop bug

utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!cmcl2!philabs!sdcsvax!sdcattb!sdcarl!rusty utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!cmcl2!philabs!sdcsvax!sdcattb!sdcarl!rusty
Fri Jan 14 10:14:05 AEST 1983

given the following command line

	cmd & stty tostop & wait ; fg

``cmd'' produces output and takes a minute
or so to produce it, therefore the stty
exits successfully before it. i would expect
that csh would run both of the 1st two commands
in the background and do the wait until ``cmd''
tries to do some output whereupon it would be
stopped and then the fg would be executed and
you'd get attached to ``cmd''. this is not
what happens. as an example try the above and
use the following shell script for ``cmd'':

	#! /bin/sh

	sleep 10

	echo "hello, world"

be sure to do an ``stty -tostop'' beforehand
in case you have tostop set.

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