4.2 BSD f77 compiler bug (1)

donn at sdchema.UUCP donn at sdchema.UUCP
Thu Nov 24 06:06:06 AEST 1983

Subject: Bug in f77 loop optimizer generates incorrect code (serious!)
Index:	/usr/src/usr.bin/f77/src/f77pass1/exec.c 4.2BSD

	This problem occurs in the f77 compiler supplied on a tape
	made on 8/23/83.

	In f77 DO loops, a variable loop limit is squirreled away in a
	local variable so that it cannot be altered during the course
	of the loop.  (This is because the standard says that DO loop
	initializations, limits and increments are only evaluated once,
	when the loop is first entered.) Unfortunately the loop limit
	is saved in a temporary variable which may be reallocated when
	subroutine arguments are evaluated in the loop.  (Since f77
	requires that arguments be passed to subroutines by reference
	rather than by value, these temporaries are used to give an
	address to the output of an expression.) This leads to loops
	which are executed an unpredictable number of times, clearly a
	major error.  The problem is mitigated slightly by the fact
	that unless the loop is complicated, the loop limit quantity
	will migrate into register from its place on the stack, and
	after this it is safe from being clobbered.

	Copy the following f77 program into the file bug1.f:

	program bug1
	integer i, j, k, l, m, n, o

	j = 2
	k = 3
	l = 4
	m = 5
	n = 6
	o = 7

	do 20 i=1,k

		j = j + l
		l = i + j
		j = l * j
		l = j - l
		m = l * i
		n = l * m
		o = m - l
		m = o + 3
		n = o / m
		o = j + n
		call dummy( i+1, j+2, l+3 )

		write(unit=6,fmt=10) i
10		format('Loop pass ', i3)

20	continue


	subroutine dummy( a, b, c )
	integer a, b, c


	Notice that the expected output is:

		Loop pass   1
		Loop pass   2
		Loop pass   3

	In fact this program goes into an infinite loop, counting up to
	infinity.  To see why, compile again using the command:

		f77 -d14 -S -O bug1.f

	F77pass1 will print the debugging comment that offset -4 is being
	reused.  If you look at the assembler output file bug1.s, you
	should see that the loop limit is stored at -4(fp), and that the
	call to dummy() clobbers -4(fp) with the value of i+1...  hence
	the infinite loop.

	The best fix I can find is to cause the loop limit to be put in a
	TADDR-type temporary rather than a TTEMP temporary.  TTEMP stack
	temporaries can be re-used quickly, while TADDR temporaries are
	not recycled until the end of a routine.  The loop increment is
	also a TTEMP temporary, so for safety I have also made that a
	TADDR temporary.  The changes to src/f77pass1/exec.c are:

	*** 444,450
	    if( CONSTLIMIT )
	      ctlstack->domax = DOLIMIT;
	!     ctlstack->domax = (expptr) mktemp(dotype, PNULL);

	    if( CONSTINCR )

	--- 461,467 -----
	    if( CONSTLIMIT )
	      ctlstack->domax = DOLIMIT;
	!     ctlstack->domax = (expptr) mkaltemp(dotype, PNULL);

	    if( CONSTINCR )
	*** 455,461
	!       ctlstack->dostep = (expptr) mktemp(dotype, PNULL);
		ctlstack->dostepsign = VARSTEP;

	--- 472,478 -----
	!       ctlstack->dostep = (expptr) mkaltemp(dotype, PNULL);
		ctlstack->dostepsign = VARSTEP;

Donn Seeley    UCSD Chemistry Dept. RRCF    ucbvax!sdcsvax!sdchema!donn
32 52' 30"N 117 14' 25"W  (619) 452-4016    sdcsvax!sdchema!donn at noscvax

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