Talking From Suns ("4.2") To VAXen (4.1c)

jdd at allegra.UUCP jdd at allegra.UUCP
Wed Oct 5 11:27:42 AEST 1983

Does anybody out there have a network configuration with Suns running "4.2"
BSD talking Internet protocols over an Ethernet with VAXen running 4.1c (or
anything else, really?)

As far as I can tell (based on evidence too lengthy to go into here,
including network traces, but based on the absence of source for the Sun),
it seems that whenever the Sun would like to send a packet to a Vax running
4.1c, it sends out a broadcast packet instead, which includes the Vax's
Internet address.

This sure sounds like problems with ARP, so I'd like to fool the Suns into
thinking the Vaxes talk ARP, by an appropriate user-level program.  Before I
do this, I'd like to ask whether anyone else has already gone through the
same thing, or otherwise has advice to offer.  Anyone?

By the way, I've also found that the crummy 4.1c routed, rwhod and possibe
others \do not worry about converting between host order and network order/
when sending and receiving packets.  This gives rise to:

  jdd% ruptime
  jdd           up  0:23,     1 user,   load  0.18,  0.10,  0.13
  largo         up ??:??,     0 users,  load 838860.80, 335544.32, 335544.32
  ra            up  3:04,     0 users,  load  0.00,  0.01,  0.01

as well as some \very interesting/ routing tables at times!

John ("Hack, Hack") DeTreville
Bell Labs, Murray Hill

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