login built-in of 4.[12]bsd csh ignores ".logout" (w/change)

Larry West west at sdcsla.UUCP
Wed Jul 18 19:50:23 AEST 1984

Actually, all you need to do is put a backslash ("\") in front of the 
``login'' command in the alias.   E.g.,

	alias login 'source ~/.logout; \login'

Either apostrophe (') or double-quote (") would work to quote this.   The
backslash just prevents the C-shell's alias lookup, but it doesn't work
on built-in commands, such as "cd".   Note that "login" is not a built-in,
it is "/bin/login".   This function of "\" is unfortunately under-documented.

{{  I rather like the `bug' (of "~/.logout" not being read when "login"   }}
{{  command is executed), and don't find it confusing, since I view the   }}
{{  "~/.logout" file as something which is read only when I do a "logout" }}
{{  command.								  }}

Hope this helps.
	-- Larry West, UC San Diego, Institute for Cognitive Science
	-- decvax!ittvax!dcdwest!sdcsvax!sdcsla!west
	-- ucbvax!sdcsvax!sdcsla!west
	-- west at NPRDC		{{ NOT: <sdcsla!west at NPRDC> [aarg!] }}

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