bug in putc macro in <stdio.h>

Joe Kelsey joe at fluke.UUCP
Fri Jul 27 08:07:42 AEST 1984

Index:	/usr/include/stdio.h ALL UNIX SYSTEMS!!!

	Remember all of the flack recently about sign extension and
	getc?  Whether or not you can compare (c = getc(stdin)) == EOF?
	Well, how about the same discussion related to putc?  Yes, there
	are programmers who check the value returned by putc.  The main
	problem is to detect errors indicated by _flsbuf, as in quota
	exceeded, or other disastrous errors.  However, putc(0xff, stdout)
	gets sign extended (on DEC hardware, anyway) so that you can't
	tell it from EOF (-1).
	#include <stdio.h>
		int x;
		if ((x = putc(0xff, stdout)) == EOF) {
			printf (stderr, "Error!\n");
		} else {
			printf (stderr, "OK!\n);
	Add a mask to the putc macro in <stdio.h>.  Note that I have verified
	this bug in VAX-11 C also!
#define putc(x,p) (--(p)->_cnt>=0? ((int)(*(p)->_ptr++=(unsigned)(x))):_flsbuf((unsigned)(x),p))
#define putc(x,p) (--(p)->_cnt>=0? ((int)(*(p)->_ptr++=(unsigned)(x)))&0xff:_flsbuf((unsigned)(x),p))

	This change merely makes putc operate the same as getc when filling
	the buffer before actually attempting to output the buffer.


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