I-node table

Stephen Schaefer schaefer at bgsuvax.UUCP
Fri Nov 22 06:10:17 AEST 1985


Our inode table is losing slots.  pstat normally goes through the
inode table sequentially, reporting only on those slotw with non-zero
reference counts, and assumming that the others are free.  I modified
pstat to walk through the free list, printing the addresses.
Yesterday, just after a reboot of our VAX 11/785, I got a healthy
report, something like 129/788 active inodes, 659 in the free list.
This morning, I looked again and got 165/788, 456 in the free list -
165 + 456 = 621.  Arggh.  I started looking at this because we've been
getting "inode table: full" messages on the console, and the pstat at
the time told me there should have been ~600 free.

I've got the bug list from Mt. Xinu.  A few of the messages have to do
with the inode table, but none directly with the symptom of a
corrupted free list.  I'll be installing those fixes one at a time
until the problem goes away, from simplest to most complex.  Meanwhile
I appeal to the net, asking if anyone has a better guess as to what's
plaguing us.

	Thanks in advance,

	Stephen P. Schaefer
	schaefer at bgsu.CSNET

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