Bug in "/usr/lib/sendmail" in Sun UNIX release 2.0.

John Gilmore gnu at l5.uucp
Sat Oct 19 11:18:47 AEST 1985

It is definitely true that sendmail in Sun Unix 2.0 cannot successfully
use a frozen config file.  The Sun-supplied /etc/rc and such do not use
that feature; it only happens if you mess around and try it.  I
originally ported sendmail to the Sun from 4.1c BSD.  I tried to freeze
a config; it didn't work, it wasn't vital, and I went on to other
things.  When Bill Nowicki took over sendmail work, it was the first
thing he fixed.  My dim recollection was that it was something about a
few variables being declared initialized (thus in the data segment
rather than in bss) and they didn't get dumped in the kludgey freeze
file, which is a copy of sendmail's BSS region.  I believe the fix is
in the sendmail to be released with Sun Unix 3.0.  Berkeley probably
bought back the fix for 4.3 also.

In the meantime, the solution is simple:  don't freeze your
config file.  Remove any /usr/lib/sendmail.fc and it will work fine.

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