The yank command in vi.

Maarten Jan Huisjes maartenj at ark.UUCP
Tue Jan 7 01:25:16 AEST 1986

>> ...  I contend it would be a more useful and more consistent
>> implementation of Y to yank to end of line.
> Have you ever tried the string "y$" ?  After all since the vi
> command syntax seems to be <count><command><location> that
> should work!  And whadayaknow it does!  I bet "d$" and "c$" work
> too but I think "D" is a lot easier.  However, "c$" comes in handy
> now and then.  You too can makeup new vi commands everyday or maybe
> only every other day!  Actually, maybe they're not new except to you.
> Show them to your friends!  Post'em to the net!  After all, someone
> might be looking for that particular "new" command.  :-)

If your version of vi supports the "map" command you could even do this :
		:map Y y$
Actually you can just about map everything to anything as long as the
mapped string is a one character or if the string does not start with a 
alpha character. It is a very useful command, for instance you can map whole
C-constructions to one or two keys !!

			Maarten Jan  Huisjes.  (maartenj at ark.UUCP)

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