syslog on 4.2BSD

avolio at decuac.UUCP avolio at decuac.UUCP
Mon Jul 7 23:44:54 AEST 1986

In article <242 at sysdes.UUCP>, dk at sysdes.UUCP writes:
> Can anyone explain why a vanilla 4.2BSD setup (no ethernet etc)
> *always* produces 
>     syslog: send: Network Unavailable

Syslog uses sockets to write out its information (I suspect you aren't
getting anything logged to /usr/spool/mqueue/syslog, are you?).  You
must have a valid entry for `localhost'  in /etc/hosts for it to work.
Such as....

# Host Database
# localhost

If you are not on any other network, you can add your hostname to that
line.  But localhost (note, it is that string, not your host name!)
needs to be there.
Fred @ DEC Ultrix Applications Center
INET: avolio at decuac.DEC.COM				* Fight the Fight *
UUCP: {decvax,seismo,cbosgd}!decuac!avolio	       * Rescue the Unborn *

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