Hard Links between UNIX Utility Programs

id for use with uunet/usenet jbayer at ispi.UUCP
Wed Aug 3 23:42:59 AEST 1988

Another workable solution is to do the following steps:

	1.	Move the programs you want to restrict to a directory
		readable only by the super user.

	2.	Create a shell script for each type of call for each program

	3.	Make the shell script executable by everyone.

	4.	Make the owner of the shell script the super user

	5.	Set the user bit for the shell script (chmod u+s name)

Now no matter how someone calls the shell script the program will still
be called using the correct name.

Jonathan Bayer
Intelligent Software Products, inc.
19 Virginia Ave.
Rockville Centre, NY   11570

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