Bug in ultrix:/etc/acucap

David Herron -- One of the vertebrae david at ms.uky.edu
Thu Jun 30 07:20:39 AEST 1988

Index: /etc/acucap, Ultrix v2.2

Problem: There aren't any tags for giving commands which are to be
	done when closing the modem.

Diagnosis: Connect up a modem in which it is possible to tell it to
	"shut up-a its face" (that is, be velly velly quiet so that it
	doesn't disturb getty's' sleep) but is not possible to have
	the modem reset to that configuration on hangup.  Watch getty
	and the modem have a shouting match after every dialout.

Fix: Don't install such a modem.  Or have acucap give such capabilities.

<---- David Herron -- The E-Mail guy                         <david at ms.uky.edu>
<---- s.k.a.: David le casse\*'   {rutgers,uunet}!ukma!david, david at UKMA.BITNET
<----                        A proud supporter of the Marcel Marceau Foundation
<------ Because a mime is a terrible thing to waste

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