Problem with Telnet connecting to DEC VMS Systems.

Ronald Srodawa srodawa at egrunix.UUCP
Thu Mar 16 15:39:36 AEST 1989

  I am having difficulty opening a telnet session between DEC vms systems
  and BSD 4.3.  Starting with a telnet dest command from BSD, I do
  properly get the USERNAME: prompt from VMS.  I then enter the username,
  but when <cr> is entered, the just-entered username is erased as if a
  kill were given.  This fails in exactly the same way with three
  different VMS systems, one with CMU software, one with Fusion
  TCP/IP software, the third with Wollongong TCP/IP software.
  Any solutions?  Thanks, Ron Srodawa, Oakland University.

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