DEQNA woes

Jim Gettys jg at
Tue Mar 28 00:06:26 AEST 1989

In article <7615 at> jch at (Jeffrey C Honig) writes:
>In article <7705 at pyr.gatech.EDU> don at (Don Deal) writes:
>>A Vaxstation II running 4.3 that we are using as a dedicated name server has
>>recently begun spurting a rash of:
>>	qerestart: restart qe0 <n>
>Older DEQNA's locked up under load, check with DEC to be sure your DEQNA
>is up to rev level.  Sorry, but I don't remember what rev level it
>should be up to.

Also note that this may be a symptom of broadcast woes, as the problem was
triggered by collisions in particular.  A badly configured network with
a bunch of hosts running old network code can cause real grief.  This
is generally caused by some machines believing one IP broad cast address
and others believing a different one, often caused by machines not knowing
how to do subnet routing or misconfigured broadcast addresses.  4.3BSD
is much less eager to be "helpful" and much less likely to forward broadcast 
packets to a gateway, but other machines on your net may not be so kind.
			- Jim

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