DEQNA woes

Don Deal don at pyr.gatech.EDU
Fri Mar 24 06:16:00 AEST 1989

A Vaxstation II running 4.3 that we are using as a dedicated name server has
recently begun spurting a rash of:

	qerestart: restart qe0 <n>

console messages, where <n> is the n'th restart since boot.  The system stops
answering nameserver queries, pings, etc; however, initiating network
traffic from the console (via a ping or telnet) causes the DEQNA to be
restarted, and everything works again -- at least for a while.

I seem to vaguely remember this problem surfacing a year or so ago, but I
don't remember any specifics.  Clues anyone?
Don Deal 	don at    gatech!don

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