SVR3 passwd changes mode of passwd file

Der Tynan dtynan at sultra.UUCP
Sat Sep 24 09:40:13 AEST 1988

Ok, ok,  I wasn't going to get involved, but...
I personally do not believe that 'passwd' should chmod the file.  I think it
should replace the original mode.  My justification for this, is that if
someone wants /etc/passwd to be 0444 then SET it that way.  If you want it
to be 0644, ditto.  It's up to you, not 'passwd'.  I don't like things
second-guessing me like that.  If someone thinks it's important that I keep
the password file read-only for everyone, then put a footnote in the Admin
manual -- don't ram it down my throat.
						- Der
Reply:	dtynan at sultra.UUCP		(Der Tynan @ Tynan Computers)
	Cast a cold eye on life, on death.  Horseman, pass by...    [WBY]

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