Quoted space (was: Re: compressdir bug?)

Derek E. Terveer det at hawkmoon.MN.ORG
Mon Sep 19 07:47:50 AEST 1988

Hey!  This is great!  No flames or any other assorted nasty verbage....

Thanks for the info.  Yes -- i was stupid and didn't realize that /bin/test was
the culprit (and [, for that matter).  So what i did was simply create the file
that almost everyone suggested should be:

$ cat /bin/test
test $@

and things are spiffy again.

Summary:  compressdir is not buggy, my lack of /bin/test was the bug.

Derek Terveer		det at hawkmoon.MN.ORG
			w(612)681-6986	h(612)688-0667

"A proper king is crowned" -- Thomas B. Costain

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