compressdir bug?

Michael "Ford" Ditto ditto at cbmvax.UUCP
Fri Sep 16 09:00:39 AEST 1988

In article <450 at gt-ford.gtisqr.UUCP> uw-nsr!uw-warp!gtisqr!stu at (Stu Donaldson) writes:
>As I said, my solution was to create /bin/test.  Here is a copy,
>it is incredibly simple.
>	:
>	# /bin/test
>	if [ $* ]
>	then
>	  exit 0
>	else
>	  exit 1
>	fi

This script will not work correctly with arguments that are empty or
contain special characters.  (For example:

	if /bin/test "$foo" = ""; then exit; fi

would not work because the $* would expand to only "$foo =").  Use of
"$@" instead of $* fixes this, and here's another way of implementing
the /bin/test script:

	[ "$@" ]

Yes, that's right, just that one line will do it.
					-=] Ford [=-

	.		.		(In Real Life: Mike Ditto)
.	    :	       ,		ford at
This space under construction,		...!ucsd!elgar!ford
pardon our dust.			ditto at

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