uucico hang between sVr3.2 and sVr4

Paul de Bra debra at svin02.info.win.tue.nl
Thu Jan 3 22:38:19 AEST 1991

I tried to connect 2 386 systems (at low baud rate to make sure)
using a standard hardwired line. This connection works fine with
cu, and with kermit.

When the sVr4 system calls the sVr3.2 system with uucico, everything
goes well.
When the sVr3.2 system calls the sVr4 system with uucico it hangs
right after getting the Shere=thename^@ from the sVr4 system (where
'thename' stands for the hostname on the sVr4 system).
The uucico on the sVr3.2 system times out and exits.
The uucico on the sVr4 system does not time out but just hangs

Has anyone else had problems with uucp to sVr4 systems?

(debra at research.att.com, debra at win.tue.nl)

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