C needs BCD...

tom at uwai.UUCP tom at uwai.UUCP
Mon Nov 12 01:03:48 AEST 1984

> Isn't that what "double long" is for??

I don't think so... on my system, this program:

-->   main()
-->   {
-->     double long foo;
-->    for (foo=2; ; foo *= foo)
-->        printf("%ld\n",foo);
-->   }

generates this when compiled:

--> % make foo
--> cc  foo.c  -o foo
--> "foo.c", line 3: illegal type combination
--> *** Error code 1
--> Stop.
--> %

I vote for 64-bit integers.  BCD is for COBOL and other antequated


Tom Christiansen
University of Wisconsin
Computer Science Systems Lab 
tom at wisc-crys.arpa

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