Read-only Strings

Chris Torek chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
Sat Nov 3 14:06:52 AEST 1984

Another good(?) reason for readonly strings is that then the compiler
could use the same address for "equal" strings; that is, if I write

	printf("%d\n", x);
	printf("%d\n", y);

the compiler might produce

	L21:	.asciz	"%d\n"
		pushl	x	# well not really but...
		pushal	L21
		calls	$2,printf
		pushl	y
		pushal	L21
		calls	$2,printf

Many FORTRAN compilers use similar tricks when passing constants to
subroutines or functions...  I think I once used the "modify-the-constant"
trick to change the WRITE unit number, just for fun.
(This mind accidently left blank.)

In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Univ of MD Comp Sci Dept (301) 454-7690
UUCP:	{seismo,allegra,brl-bmd}!umcp-cs!chris
CSNet:	chris at umcp-cs		ARPA:	chris at maryland

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