LEX/YACC environment needed outside of UN*X

TDX sys Mark Mullen tdxsys at dartvax.UUCP
Sat Apr 6 00:51:29 AEST 1985

I     N  E  E  D :
        A system that emulates the UN*X lex/yacc package that will run
        on a PRIME 750 under PRIMOS 18.something.

        I need this package right now, and I am more than willing to pay
        for it !!!! ++$1K

        OBJECT for PRIMOS (SEG preferred)

        SOURCE:         C       (orig Bzrk !OK. That code is cavalier about
                                 ptrs & ints, A N D  T H E   P R I M E  D O E S
                                 N O T   P R O V I D E   A   U N I F O R M  
                                 P T R / I N T   S I Z E  ! ! ! ! ! ! !)

        NEEDED IMMEDIATLY !!!!!!
Mark Mullin                     
10043 Irongate Way
Manassas,VA 22110

(703) 369-7623          (after 5:00PM Eastern)


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