C programming style

Kim Christian Madsen kimcm at diku.UUCP
Wed Jul 17 07:03:35 AEST 1985

In article <480 at mmintl.UUCP> franka at mmintl.UUCP (Frank Adams) writes:
>I am an experienced programmer.  I have been writing C for about four
>months now.

Does that make you a experienced C programmer ???? (-;

>I agree that "i++" is an abomination.  (I do use it, however, to be
>consistent with the rest of the code I work with.)  Actually, C has
>a third way to represent this operation: "i += 1".  Personally, I
>think this is the superior notation.  It is concise, yet easy enough
>for a person unfamiliar with the language to interpret.

The main advantage of the ++ or -- notation in C is that you can construct
a loop and control the increment-variable [let's call it ``i'' for the old
Fortran days] by means of ++i or i++ in order to assure that ``i'' has the
proper value after the loop -- instead of +/- 1 which is the default in many
other languages as Pascal/Fortran/Basic etc...

--Kimcm at diku.uucp

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