need help with Intel PLM to C port

mo maureen at SCIRTP.UUCP
Wed Jul 31 08:10:54 AEST 1985

    We are trying to port some Intel PLM code to our
    unix sys III micro.
    Scanning the PLM source shows a very close mapping between
    it and 'c'.  The syntax is the only major difference.

    The job of converting PLM to c can easily be done with
    lex/yacc however I'm not familiar enough with these to do
    it myself.

    Does anyone have any "neat" conversion tools?  This would
    help us out tremendously and save us of alot of mind numbing 
    vi work.

Thanks in advance.
Maureen Chew

Here is a small segment of what is needed:
PLM code:

declare def$limit       literally       '2000',
		def$buffer (def$limit) word external;

declare buffer$ptr pointer external,
		buffer$word based buffer$ptr (1) word,
		buffer$byte based buffer$ptr (1) byte;

mark$field:     procedure external;
end mark$field;

display$next$line$no:   procedure external;
end display$next$line$no;

dschar: procedure (char) external;
		declare char byte;
end dschar;

dspace: procedure (number) external;
		declare number byte;
end dspace;

unit$read:      procedure (unitio$pblk$ptr) external;
		declare unitio$pblk$ptr pointer;

declare dsp$pblk structure (device$code     byte,
				area               byte,
			   unit$number             word,
			   unit$memory$addr    pointer) external;

declare underline       literally       '5fh';

$include (dataty.x86)

		/* the following literals are declared for "word" comparison
		   purpose. note that the order of the two letters are reversed.        */
declare lit$lb  literally       '''bl''',
		lit$cm  literally       '''mc''';

display$resident$item:  procedure (string$ptr);

declare string$ptr pointer,
		string$word based string$ptr (1) word;

declare (l, k) byte;

		call mark$field;
		unitio$pblk.direction = 0;
		unitio$pblk.area = 1;

		do l = 1 to 50h;
			unitio$pblk.unit$number = l;
			call unit$read (@unitio$pblk);
			buffer$ptr = unitio$pblk.unit$memory$addr;
			if string$word (0) = buffer$word (0) then
				do k = 8 to 31;
					call dschar (buffer$byte (k));
				call dspace (5);

end display$resident$item;

Here is the comparable C code:

#include "types.x86"

#define  def_limit  2000
 extern word def_buffer[def_limit];

 extern pointer buffer_ptr;
 extern pointer def_build_ptr;

extern void mark_field();
extern void dschar();
extern void dspace();
extern void unit_read();

 extern struct {
     byte direction;
     byte area;
     word unit_number;
     pointer unit_memory_addr;} unitio_pblk;

 byte num_buffer[16];
 byte dsp_buffer[20];

#define quote   0x22

#include "dataty.x86"

 /* the following literals are d for "word" comparison
   purpose. note that the order of the two letters are reversed. */
#define  lit_lb  'bl'
#define  lit_cm  'mc'

 word *string_word;
 byte l, k;

 unitio_pblk.direction = 0;
 unitio_pblk.area = 1;

 for (l=1;l<=0x50;l++) {
  unitio_pblk.unit_number = l;
  unit_read (&unitio_pblk);
  buffer_ptr._ = unitio_pblk.unit_memory_addr._;
  if(string_word[0] == buffer_ptr.w[0])
  for (k=8;k<=31;k++) {
   dschr (buffer_ptr.b[k]);
  dspace (5);


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