parens around sizeof arg

Geoff Kuenning geoff at desint.UUCP
Sun Mar 3 12:17:50 AEST 1985

>> That's a "sizeof(type)", not a "sizeof thing", and the parentheses are
>> necessary in that case.
>    Oh, how nice.  Something else for experts in C to know so they can feel
> superior to the novices.  Never have one, consistent way to use a language 
> construct when you can have two to demonstrate your mastery of the arcana.
Well, the easy answer is in Kernighan and Plaugher:  "When in doubt,
PARENTHESIZE."  A lot of people prefer to parenthesize all sizeof's as a
stylistic thing anyway.

	Geoff Kuenning
	Unix Consultant
	(213) 545-4413

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