Object Oriented C.. What's the scoop?

Jordan K. Hubbard jordan at greipa.UUCP
Tue Mar 19 19:01:08 AEST 1985

Hi all.

About a year ago, I got quite interested in object oriented C.. I talked
to Bjarne Stroustrup(sp?) at Bell labs who informed me that his version of
(I think it was) C++ wasn't going to be available. Then I talked to the
good folks at Productivity Products Inc. Who seemed to have a good (though
somewhat expensive) product. Almost bought theirs, but then the project
fell through.. My question is (I went through all that so you would know
what I knew & didn't) what's going on in this area nowadays? (Efrem? You
out there still?) Has anyone written more/better/public domain (heh heh)
compilers embodying this concept? Have any refinements been made in the
design of same? Has this become a dead subject? (get smalltalk ya bum!)

Mail would probably the best medium for replies. Unless a new debate
is warranted (I probably just missed it)..

				- Cheers..


				Jordan K. Hubbard
				@ Genstar Rental Electronics.
				Palo Alto, CA.
				{sun, decwrl, dual}!twg!greipa!jordan

I'm your private hacker, hacking for money, any old keyboard will do..

					- Tina Turing

				Jordan K. Hubbard
				@ Genstar Rental Electronics.
				Palo Alto, CA.
				{sun, decwrl, dual}!twg!greipa!jordan

I'm your private hacker, hacking for money, any old keyboard will do..

					- Tina Turing

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