Structure question (problem)

emacs at vger.UUCP emacs at vger.UUCP
Tue May 21 05:40:06 AEST 1985

Could someone please inform me what the hell I am doing wrong.  The
subject is auto-initialization of structures.  Here is a simple program
that trys to initialize the stucture, and the associated error
message.  If I take one of K&R's examples (pg 124, last half page),
I get the same error.
BTW-This is 4.2bsd.


/* Structure test */

#include <stdio.h>

main() {

	static char *text[] = { "Fred", "Wilma", "Barney", "Betty" };
	struct l {
		int a;
		int b;
		char *c;
		int d; 
		 } e = { 0, 1, text[0], 4 };
	printf("Fred is married to Wilma, Barney to Betty...\n");


% cc t.c
"t.c", line 14: no automatic aggregate initialization
"t.c", line 14: warning: illegal combination of pointer and integer, op =

Why can I not automatically initialize.  K&R says I can.  This must
and has to be a real simple fix.  What am I doing wrong?

---------------------          ...Lying on the beach in the sun...
|                   |-------------------------------------------------------
| Michael E. Dove   | Usenet: ucbvax!hplabs!pesnta!parallel!ucscv!emacs    |
| CIS Consultant    |         ihnp4!sun!parallel!ucscv!emacs               |
| UC Santa Cruz, CA | CSNet:  emacs at ucsc.csnet                             |
|                   | Arpa:   emacs%ucsc.csnet at            |

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