The winners from the 1984 Obfuscated C Code contest

Landon Noll chongo at nsc.UUCP
Sat May 25 13:37:45 AEST 1985

Several people has asked about what the 1984 winners were like.  You will
find them below.

BTW, I should point out that the rules for this year give more credit to
lint/machine independent solutions.  (though good examples will be allowed
as long as my Vax and/or 4.2BSD system can run them!)  Thus the winner for
1984 would not be rated as high under this years rules.

Several good entries have already come in for 1985.  Good luck!

	   ---The Winners of the 1984 Obfuscated C Code Contest---

<dis>honorable mention for 1984:
int i;main(){for(;i["]<i;++i){--i;}"];read('-'-'-',i+++"hell\
o, world!\n",'/'/'/'));}read(j,i,p){write(j/p+p,i---j,i/i);}
anonymous entry   (too embarrassed that he/she could write such trash i guess)

Third place for 1984:
a[900];		b;c;d=1		;e=1;f;		g;h;O;		main(k,
l)char*		*l;{g=		atoi(*		++l);		for(k=
0;k*k<		g;b=k		++>>1)		;for(h=		0;h*h<=
g;++h);		--h;c=(		(h+=g>h		*(h+1))		-1)>>1;
while(d		<=g){		++O;for		(f=0;f<		O&&d<=g
;++f)a[		b<<5|c]		=d++,b+		=e;for(		f=0;f<O
&&d<=g;		++f)a[b		<<5|c]=		d++,c+=		e;e= -e
;}for(c		=0;c<h;		++c){		for(b=0		;b<k;++
b){if(b		<k/2)a[		b<<5|c]		^=a[(k		-(b+1))
<<5|c]^		=a[b<<5		|c]^=a[		(k-(b+1		))<<5|c]
;printf(	a[b<<5|c	]?"%-4d"	:"    "		,a[b<<5
|c]);}		putchar(	'\n');}}	/*Mike		Laman*/
			Mike Laman
			UUCP: {ucbvax,philabs,sdccsu3,sdcsla}!sdcsvax!laman
P.S.  I hope you have the C beautifier! The program accepts ONE positive
      argument.  Seeing is believing!  Try something like "cmd 37" for an
      example.  <ed: also try cmd 4; cmd 9; cmd 16; cmd 25; cmd 36; ...>

Second place award for 1984:
#define x =
#define double(a,b) int
#define char k['a']
#define union static struct

extern int floor;
double (x1, y1) b,
char x {sizeof(
struct tag{int x0,*xO;}

*main(i, dup, signal) {
  for(signal=0;*k * x * __FILE__ *i;) do {
   (printf(&*"'\",x);	/*\n\\", (*((double(tag,u)(*)())&floor))(i)));
	goto _0;

_O: while (!(char <<x - dup)) {	/*/*\*/
	union tag u x{4};

while(b x 3, i); {
char x b,i;
  sin(signal)		/ *    ((main) (b)-> xO));/*}

By: Dave Decot   hplabs!hpda!hpdsd!decot

First place award for 1984 goes to:
/* Portable between VAX11 && PDP11 */

short main[] = {
	277, 04735, -4129, 25, 0, 477, 1019, 0xbef, 0, 12800,
	-113, 21119, 0x52d7, -1006, -7151, 0, 0x4bc, 020004,
	14880, 10541, 2056, 04010, 4548, 3044, -6716, 0x9,
	4407, 6, 5568, 1, -30460, 0, 0x9, 5570, 512, -30419,
	0x7e82, 0760, 6, 0, 4, 02400, 15, 0, 4, 1280, 4, 0,
	4, 0, 0, 0, 0x8, 0, 4, 0, ',', 0, 12, 0, 4, 0, '#',
	0, 020, 0, 4, 0, 30, 0, 026, 0, 0x6176, 120, 25712,
	'p', 072163, 'r', 29303, 29801, 'e'
			Sjoerd Mullender
			Robbert van Renesse
	Both @ Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
	<ed: try this on your local VAX or pdp-11>

well anyway, that was 1984.  What will 1985 be like?

chongo <> /\../\
no comment is a comment.

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