C Style

tp at ndm20 tp at ndm20
Tue Sep 17 02:30:00 AEST 1985

>> 	for ( ; (((ch=getch()) < '1' || ch > '5') && ch != 'E') ; )
>> 		putchar(BELL);
>> 	addch(ch);
>> 	refresh();
>I suggest a more appropriate construct, the 'while' loop:
>	while(( ch =  getch()) != EOF )
>	{
>		if(( ch < '1' || ch > '5') && ch != 'E')
>			putchar( BELL );
>		addch( ch );
>		refresh();
>	} /* end while */
The second loop does not do the same thing as the first. A better construct

 	for (ch=getch() ; ((ch < '1' || ch > '5') && ch != 'E') ; ch=getch())

Terry Poot
Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers
Usenet: ...!{allegra|ihnp4}!convex!smu!ndm20!tp
CSNET:  ndm20!tp at smu
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