benchmarks needed

gus at Shasta.ARPA gus at Shasta.ARPA
Fri Sep 27 05:51:25 AEST 1985

I am looking for benchmark programs which have been heavily used and
well known. I am planning on doing a comparitive review of all native
code compilers generating code for the Macintosh. I am interested in anything
you might have written in C, Pascal, Modula 2, FORTRAN, or COBOL. Pleas
respond to me via EMAIL to gus at su-shasta.

I am working on a "conglomerate" benchmark program which will test as many
aspects of a compiler as possible. Once complete, I plan to publish my 
results in one of the Mac related magazines, and post the sources on-line.

The list of compilers I am planning to initially review are...

Absoft Fortran
Aztec C
Consulair C
DesMet C
Green Hills C
ETZH Modula 2 
Hippo C
Lisa Pascal
Megamax C
Micro Focus Cobol
Softworks C
SuMacc C

Any help will be appreciated. I have several benchmarks already, but my list
is by no means complete, so any help will be appreciated

							Gus Fernandez

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