Setenv from C

COTTRELL, JAMES cottrell at nbs-vms.ARPA
Wed Sep 25 04:41:34 AEST 1985

> Is it possible to set a csh environment variable within a C program? I know
> about getenv(), but have failed at attempts to set an environment variable
> from a C program. Basically, what I want to do is "source" a new environment
> variable for the current csh process. Any comments or suggestions would be
> appreciated. Thanks.

In a word NO! There is no way to affect your parent's environment unless
they made prior arrangements (like before you were born) to do so. 
Sounds kinda like Life, doesn't it?

A way to do this is to set up an alias which runs your program,
then sources a file which the program builds. Try the following:

	alias	z	'echo setenv QAZ WSX > EDC ; source EDC'

Now type `printenv;z;printenv'. Note the change!
Another method might be:

	setenv	NAME	`prog`

if you only want you change ONE variable & you know it's name. If you
want to change more, you can always do:

	set x = `prog` ; $x

I don't know why `prog` by itself on a line doesn't work. Probably
because `...` only returns one word. Oh well...

	jim		cottrell at nbs

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