goto jumps into loops

David Harmon dmh at mit-borax.ARPA
Thu Apr 17 11:24:06 AEST 1986

   Nice timing...Steve Summit's letter about jumping into blocks arrived
just as I had finished debugging a routine which I actually wrote in Pascal
and just translated into C for practice.  You guessed it, it jumps into a loop,
and I honestly don't think there is a way to avoid the goto without some VERY
ugly code to keep track of the program's state.  The problem is that I need
to print out all the elements of a set capable of containing or not containing
any value from 0..255.  (In Pascal, a SET OF 0.255)  That in itself would
be no problem given the IN operator, but I also wanted to contract adjacent
members of a set into a range syntax.  Assume that the include file "nastydefs"
contains the definitions of the set type and in() function.  Can any of you
figure out a way to do this elegantly without the goto?  Especially this may
involve the break or continue statements...I have looked at possibilities but
I must admit I probably don't know a lot of tactics involving them.
   Also, with an appropriate include file, this procedure both compiles and
passes lint.

	Dave Harmon
	dmh at
	dmh at

/* Assume the existence of a type named "set", which is intended to simulate
   the Pascal TYPE KeySet:SET OF 0..255;
   Further assume the existence of a function
 set *l;
 char e;
which returns a boolean 1 iff _e_ is an element of _*l_.
#include <stdio.h>

#include "/usr/dmh/nastydefs"

wrtlist (listp)
set *listp;
/*This routine should print out a list of the members of List, with adjacent
 members shown contracted as N-M, where N and M are the bounds of a range of
members.  Notice the GOTO statement which gives the effect of two *crossed*
loops with a Write and a conditional increment shared by both.  Note that
the potential member 0 is not used by the application.

#define MAX NUM_KEYWORDS   /*The highest element in use by the application*/
  unsigned char i;
  set list;

  list= *listp;
  do {
    putchar(' ');
    do {
      if (i=MAX)
    while (in(i,&list));

    cross:                     /*Beginning of GOTO Loop and shared section*/
    if (i=MAX)
  while (in(i,&list));


  while ( (i<MAX) && (in(i+1,&list) ) )
  goto cross;                       /*End of GOTO Loop*/
} /*WriteKList*/

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