Help using dbx

Przemyslaw Klosowski przemek at gondor.UUCP
Mon Apr 28 12:59:50 AEST 1986

 The only information I could get about dbx is the manual page. Is there
in the big world something more informative? In particular I didn't succeed
in calling the procedure with the parameter which has non-predeclared type.
The man page says something like ' typename(param)', but 'struct kuku(...)'
is rejected with complaint about undeclared type 'struct' -- we apparently 
have totally different things in mind.
 Apologies if I screw up something with net.distribution -- this is my very
first posting.
				przemek at gondor.UUCP
				przemek at psuvaxg.bitnet
PS Of course I use dbx for C programs.

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