16 v. 32 bit

Tim Smith tim at ism780c.UUCP
Sat Jan 4 12:41:07 AEST 1986

[ What is a 16 bit machine and what is an 8 bit machine? ]

Don't forget the GI 1600!  It has a 16 bit data bus, and a 10 bit
instruction bus ( Yes, GI sold 10 bit wide roms ).  What do we call
this ( besides an abomination :-) )

( by the way, 10 bits is called a decle, and 5 bits is a nickle )
( GI also has one with a 13 bit instruction bus.  That's progress.
  I don't know what one calls 13 bits )
Tim Smith       sdcrdcf!ism780c!tim || ima!ism780!tim || ihnp4!cithep!tim

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