C vs. FORTRAN (was: What should be added to C)

Kenneth Ng ken at njitcccc.UUCP
Wed Jun 11 18:59:39 AEST 1986

In article <914 at ttrdc.UUCP>, levy at ttrdc.UUCP (Daniel R. Levy) writes:
> _18 line_ fortran game of life?  Can you post that (in net.lang.f77 of course)?
It's been quite some time since my school account was rolled
out into the bit bucket, therefore I had to reconstruct this
from scratch, but its pretty close.  The school compiler I
used allowed fortran programs to not have the "STOP" and
"END" statements, although it generated warnings.

      INTEGER A(10,10)/100*0/, B(10,10), C(10,10)
10    FORMAT(8I1)
      DO 100 COUNT = 1,50
      DO 50 I = 2,7
      DO 50 J = 2,7
50    IF(SUM.EQ.3).OR.((SUM+A(I,J)).EQ.3)B(I,J)=1
      DO 60 I=2,9
      DO 60 J=2,9
      C(I,J) = ' '
      IF (B(I,J).EQ.1)C(I,J) = '*'
60    A(I,J) = B(I,J)
100   WRITE(6,70)COUNT,((C(I,J),J=2,9),I=2,9)
70    FORMAT('1 Gen ',I3,/,'0',8('*'),/,8(' |',8A1,'|',/),'0',8('*'),/)

Kenneth Ng: uucp(unreliable) ihnp4!allegra!bellcore!njitcccc!ken
	    bitnet(prefered) ken at njitcccc.bitnet

New Jersey Institute of Technology
Computerized Conferencing and Communications Center
Newark, New Jersey 07102

Vulcan jealousy: "I fail to see the logic in prefering Stonn over me"
Movie "Short Circuit": Number 5: "I need input"

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