
Wed Mar 5 07:33:11 AEST 1986

> In basic there is a GOSUB routine that will push the current
>  position onto the stack and jump to another line.  Then, upon
>  hitting a return will return to that place.  I wish to write
>  something like that in C that will be movable between compilers.
> A sample of something like it is below:
> [Example Deleted]
> Can anybody think of a better way to do this? I want it for a
>   Basic->C translator (Please, I am writting it for fun... No abuse...Please?).

To answer a somewhat different question, while I am opposed to this
construct in C (because it messes with the stack, making things 
difficult), I would very much like to see this in shell command files.
Here, there is no stack, and variables would be global to the command 
file. I feel that the overhead of opening another file and the
difficulty of passing back results (`cmd args` is limited) justifies it.
What say ye? 

	jim		cottrell at nbs

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